Estonian parliamentary election, 1926

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Estonian parliamentary elections, 1926 to form the III Riigikogu were held in 15.-17. may of 1926. Before those elections the electoral law was changed to create more stability: 1. the system of bonds was introduced; 2. there was introduced an electoral treshold of winning enough votes for at least two seats

[edit] Results

Eligible voters: 701,769 without the army
Turnout: 514,595 (73,3%) (+ 12,306 in the army)
Invalid votes: 3,421 (with army); 0.6%
Valid votes: 523,480; 99.4% (with army)

Electoral Bloc/Party (Estonian-language name Votes % Seats
Estonian Socialist Workers Party (Eesti Sotsialistlik Tööliste Partei), social-democratic 119,914 22,9% 24
Farmers Unions (Põllumeeste kogud), agrarian conservative 111,960 21,4% 23
Settlers party, actually Settlers, state's leaseholders and littlefarmers (Asunikud, riigirentnikud ja väikepõllupidajad), agrarian patriotic center-left 70,702 13,5% 14
Labor Party (Tööerakond), originally nonmarxist left, moving right 64,648 12,4% 12
Peoples Party (Rahvaerakond), center-right conservative 38,824 7,4% 8
Estonian Workers Party (Eesti Tööliste Partei), originally radical left, taken over by Estonian Communist Party 30,339 5,8% 6
Christian Peoples Party (Kristlik Rahvaerakond), christian conservative 28,133 5,4% 6
United Russian bloc (Vene rahva ühendatud) 17,474 3,3% 3
German Baltic Party (Saksa-Balti erakond) 13,278 2,5% 2
Overall-State Union of Real Estate Owners Societies (Üleriiklik Majaomanike Seltside Liit) 12,355 2,4% 2
Tenants Union (Üürnikkude Liit) 6,692 1,3%
National Liberal Party (Rahvuslik Vabameelne Partei), right-wing liberal anticorruption 4,854 0,9%
Working Peoples's Union (Töörahva Liit) 3,704 0,7%
Countryside People's Union (Maarahva Liit) 603 0,1%

[edit] Sources

  • III Riigikogu valimised : 15.-17. mail 1926 / Riigi Statistika Keskbüroo = Élections au parlement : de 15.-17. mai 1926 / Bureau Central de Statistique de l'Estonie - Tallinn : Riigi Statistika Keskbüroo, 1927 (Tallinn : Riigi trükikoda)

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