Estonian parliamentary election, 1920

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Estonian parliamentary elections, 1920 to form the I Riigikogu were held from 27 to 29 November 1920. Those were the first elections by the constitution of 1920. 100 deputies were elected into the new parliament by party lists in 10 regions, by which one party or electoral bloc could put up several lists in one region. Seats were still distributed on the state level, where votes for different lists were summed up by their political affiliance and then seats distributed using d'Hondt formula. Thereafter seats for one party or bloc were distributed between different lists of that political force using the same formula.

[edit] Results

Eligible voters:
Invalid votes:
Valid votes: 471,228

Electoral Bloc/Party (Estonian-language name) Votes % Seats
Labor Party (Tööerakond), originally non-Marxist left, moving right 99,030 21.0% 22
Farmers Unions (Põllumeeste kogud), agrarian conservative 97,825 20.8% 21
Estonian Social Democratic Workers Party (Eesti Sotsiaaldemokraatiline Tööliste Partei), social-democratic 80,211 17.0% 18
Estonian Independent Socialist Workers Party (Eesti Iseseisev Sotsialistlik Tööliste Partei), far-left - left-wing, Communist-leaning 50,119 10.6% 11
Peoples Party (Rahvaerakond), center-right conservative 48,972 10.4% 10
Christian Peoples Party (Kristlik Rahvaerakond), Christian conservative 35,420 7.5% 7
Central Council of Trade Unions of Tallinn (Tallinna Ametiühisuste Kesknõukogu), controlled by Estonian Communist Party 24,849 5.3% 5
German Baltic Party (Saksa-Balti erakond), German minority 18,444 3.9% 4
Russian parties *, Russian minority 8,620 1.8% 1
Economic Group (Majandusrühm) 4,948 1.1% 1
Citizens of the Estonian Rep. by the coast of Lake Peipus 1,344 0.3%
Others (6) 1446 0.3%
incl. Jewish minority lists (2) 395 0.1%

  • Different sources give slightly different information about the results. Possibly the correct form could also be 4744 (1.0% - 1 seat) for one, and 3876 (0.8% - 0 seats) for another Russian force; the same way some of the other minor lists might be connected/not connected in different ways or named different names.

[edit] Sources

  • II Riigikogu valimised : 5.-7. mail 1923 / Riigi Statistika Keskbüroo = Élections au parlement : de 5.-7. mai 1923 / Bureau Central de Statistique de l'Estonie - Tallinn : Riigi Statistika Keskbüroo, 1923 (Tallinn : Tallinna Eesti Kirjastus-Ühisus ; Narva : M. Minis)

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