Estaca de Bares Point

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Estaca de Bares Point is a parish and the place of a lighthouse belonging to the city council of Mañón in Ferrolterra in North-western Spain in the province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia.

Estaca de Bares Point, well known for its lighthouse
Estaca de Bares Point, well known for its lighthouse

[edit] Industry

  • Important Lighthouse.

[edit] History and Tourism

These special weather conditions have created over the centuries a unique ecosystem and biodiversity which have made it possible for this area to be declared an Area of National Natural Interest.

edit List of Ports and Lighthouses under the Authority of Ferrol-San Cibrao [2] Port Authority

Port of San Cibrao with four Lighthouses | Port of Alumina Espanola with six Lighthouses | Roncadoira Point with one Lighthouse | Ria and Port of Vivero with seven Lighthouses | Port of O Barqueiro with five Lighthouses | Estaca de Bares Point with one Lighthouse | Santa Marta's Cove and the Ports of Espasante and Carino with four Lighthouses | Candelaria Point with one Lighthouse | Port of Cedeira with four Lighthouses | A Frouxeira Point with one Lighthouse | Cape Prior with two Lighthouses | Ria of Ferrol and the Ports of Ferrol Outer-port, A Grana, Mugardos and Ferrol Inner-port with twenty three Lighthouses

Most Northwestern Rias of Galicia  [1]
Most Northwestern Rias of Galicia [1]

edit List of the Spanish Costas: Spain

Costa Brava | Costa Daurada | Costa da Morte | Costa del Azahar | Costa Blanca | Costa Cálida | Costa de Granada | Costa del Sol | Costa de la Luz | a Costa do Marisco | Costa Esmeralda | Costa Verde | Costa Vasca