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This image was originally published within the European Space Agency's multimedia gallery (on their web site). Their site states the following terms of usage:
Most images have been released publicly from ESA. You may use ESA images or videos for educational or informational purposes. The publicly released ESA images may be reproduced without fee, on the following conditions:
- Credit ESA as the source of the images (Examples: Photo: ESA; Photo: ESA/Cluster; Image: ESA/NASA - SOHO/LASCO)
- ESA images may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by ESA or any ESA employee of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead.
- If an image includes an identifiable person, using that image for commercial purposes may infringe that person's right of privacy, and separate permission should be obtained from the individual.
If these images are to be used in advertising or any commercial promotion, layout and copy must be submitted to ESA beforehand for approval.
According to discussions with ESA, ESA images in this gallery can be used for any educational or informational purposes, even commercial ones (DVDs, etc.); however they may not be used for other kinds of commercial purposes (e.g. for advertisements).