Erwin von Lahousen

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General Erwin Lahousen testifying against Hermann Göring and 21 other Nazi defendants at the Nuremberg war crimes trial in 1946.
General Erwin Lahousen testifying against Hermann Göring and 21 other Nazi defendants at the Nuremberg war crimes trial in 1946.

Generalmajor Erwin von Lahousen (1897 - 1955) was Chief of German sabotage during World War II and a key player in an attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

An Austrian from an aristocratic family, Lahousen served in the Austrian Army during World War I. After the war he became chief of Austrian counterintelligence. However, after the Anschluss in 1938 Austria's intelligence services were absorbed into Germany's, and Lahousen joined the Abwehr, headed by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris.

Both men took well to each other, as both shared anti-Nazi feelings. Lahousen thus became one in a circle of hand-picked officers opposed to Hitler who ran the intelligence agency. Canaris appointed him chief of Abwehr section II, which dealt primarily with sabotage.

Lahousen handled the successful sabotage aspects of the invasion of Poland in September 1939. But because Canaris did not give as much a priority to sabotage as to espionage, Lahousen ordered that agents destined for Britain be trained primarily for spying, with disastrous results. Saboteurs who landed in the United States during Operation Pastorius in June 1942 were given away to the FBI by one of their number, arrested, tried by military tribunal and executed.

In 1943 Lahousen was sent to the Eastern Front and thus escaped the final days of the Abwehr, which, along with Canaris, had fallen into disfavor. Lahousen later claimed that he was the one who supplied the bomb used on the July 20 Plot. After the failure of the assassination attempt and putsch, the Wehrmacht officer who planted the bomb (Claus von Stauffenberg), and thousands of other accused plotters, including Canaris, were executed. Hitler had many of them strangled slowly, using piano wire, and had the executions filmed, for his later viewing pleasure. (See List of members of the July 20 plot.)

By sheer luck Lahousen escaped notice even though the bomb was British-made and it was known that such bombs were confiscated and stored by the Abwehr.

After the end of the war Lahousen voluntarily testified against Hermann Göring and 21 other defendants at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials in 1945-1946. Lahousen was the first witness for the prosecution, his prominence due to being the sole survivor of the 'Abwehr resistance'. Among other things, he gave evidence about the murder of hundreds of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war and the Einsatzgruppen death squads, who annihilated more than a million Jews in the conquered areas of the Soviet Union, Poland and the Ukraine.

[edit] See Also

Schwarze Kapelle

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