Erisi Dlarit

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Erisi Dlarit was an X-wing fighter pilot and member of Rogue Squadron in the fictional Star Wars Expanded Universe. Erisi was a native of Thyferra and the daughter of a prominent member of the Xucphra Corporation, one of the two main producers of bacta. As a result of her family's position in the Bacta Cartel, Erisi and her family were quite wealthy.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Early history and Rebel service

[edit] Rogue Squadron

At some point, she was approached by the Imperials to infiltrate Rogue Squadron when the New Republic decided to rebuild the squadron. Erisi had applied to the squadron, and eventually was accepted as one of the eleven new members of the squadron. She was mainly accepted due to the fact that the New Republic wanted to keep the bacta cartels happy. The two most powerful bacta cartels of the time were the Xucphra Corporation, which Erisi belonged to, and the Zaltin Corporation, which fellow new recruit Bror Jace, belonged to. Despite being from rival cartels, and Jace's general abrasiveness, the two remained professionally detached during their Rogue Squadron missions, rarely bringing up their politics.

She flew in a number of the early missions that the rebuilt squadron had undertaken. During the first disastrous attempt to take Borleias, the X-wing she flew was hit by a TIE fighter, requiring her to eject from the ship. Erisi recovered in time to fly during the second attempt to take the planet, but was unable to participate in the mission due to a shortage of functional X-wings.

When Bror Jace had to return to Thyferra to visit his cartel's dying patriarch, he gave his intinerary to Erisi, who forwarded it to Imperial Intelligence. This resulted in Jace's X-Wing getting ambushed by an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer.

Erisi also began to feel attraction towards fellow squadron member Corran Horn. While Horn also found her attractive, he did not feel that Erisi was right for him because of their very different backgrounds.

[edit] Coruscant scouting mission

Erisi and Corran were then inserted into Coruscant as a way of determining the best way to take the planet back from the Imperials. Erisi's cover role was as a member of one of the great Kuati merchant houses. Corran's cover role was that of her Telbun, or Kuati impregnator. They spent the week traveling through Coruscant, especially the more well-to-do areas, with Corran evaluating the security setup on the planet. During this time, she reported their movements to Imperial Intelligence.

Eventually, Erisi and Corran joined forces with the other members of Rogue Squadron who were also on Coruscant. When she helped Corran with his Z-95 Headhunter during the final part of the scouting mission, she had taken the fighter's codes, and transmitted them to Imperial Intelligence. This resulted in Corran's capture and imprisonment at Lusankya.

[edit] Krytos crisis

In the aftermath of the Rebel Alliance taking Coruscant, things were very difficult for the Alliance and the squadron. Thanks to Ysanne Isard's bioengineered Krytos virus, the Rebel Alliance was forced to care for an entire planet full of sick non-humans. Furthermore, Rogue Squadron's executive officer, Tycho Celchu, was placed on trial for treason. Despite his being accused of treason and murder in Corran Horn and Bror Jace's apparent deaths, the squadron was publicly supportive of Celchu. Erisi also maintained this support of Celchu in public as well.

When a convoy of freighters carrying bacta were dispatched to Coruscant, Erisi informed Warlord Zsinj that the convoy would be stopping at the Alderaan system. Zsinj went to Alderaan, and destroyed nearly all the convoy ships. Mirax Terrik was initially thought to be dead, but she had secretly gone to Borleias as part of a covert New Republic mission.

After Corran escaped from Lusankya, Ysanne Isard, the Imperial leader, had the crew of that vessel break free of the planet and leave the system. Erisi decided that she would rejoin the Imperials at that point. She flew in close to the Super Star Destroyer, and claimed they put a tractor beam on her. But Commander Antilles, having put a program into the unit's astromech droids, pulled the status data from her ship. He found that not only did her ship not suffer any damage, but there was no tractor beam on her ship.

Antilles called Admiral Ackbar to tell them that Erisi was the traitor. However, Corran, who had just appeared during Celchu's trial, revealed that information first. Antilles and Corran were able to prove that Erisi was an Imperial mole. Shortly after the Battle of Borleias, she had helped Jace plan his trip back home. Unbeknownst to the Rebel Alliance, Erisi was an Imperial Intelligence mole, and had informed Imperial Intelligence of Jace's trip. They had sent a ship out to intercept him, and his X-wing was destroyed. At the time, everyone thought he had died. However, just before his ship was intercepted, Jace had transferred to a freighter which took him the rest of the way home. Originally, he had planned to blow his X-wing up outside the system, and have everyone believe that he had been killed. However, the interception was just as good of a cover as the original plan was.

Antilles told them of Erisi's lies concerning her ship's status. Finally, Corran said that she also helped him check out his fighter, so she knew the codes too, and gave them to the Imperials, resulting in Corran's capture. They later determined that she had betrayed the bacta convoy to Zsinj to drive up prices and to get her personal enemy, Mirax Terrik, eliminated.

[edit] Imperial service

After leaving Coruscant with Ysanne Isard and the Lusankya, she went with them to her homeworld of Thyferra. She supported the revolution that placed Isard in charge of the Thyferran government. Erisi was named a Commander in the Thyferran Home Defense Corps (THDC), and assigned to lead Elite Squadron, which was composed of TIE interceptors.

During the Bacta War, she remained mainly at home. She assisted Isard and former Corellian Grand Moff Fliry Vorru in planning the war against not only Rogue Squadron, but the New Republic as well.

One mission she took a direct role in was the destruction of the Halanit colony. This colony had accepted a gift of bacta from Rogue Squadron. Because the colony had insufficient resources to pay for the amount of bacta they were given, Isard had the colony destroyed. She was responsible for the deaths of a large number of civilians.

Erisi and Vorru eventually became convinced that Isard was insane. Both of them reasoned that the New Republic would eventually intervene and send a force to Thyferra. They planned to leave Thyferra after the destruction of Antilles.

During the final battle of the Bacta War, Erisi scrambled her forces to defend the planet and Lusankya. She received orders to escort a shuttle that was apparently carrying Director Isard clear of the system. At this point, Erisi directly engaged her former squadron mates for the first time. She was able to destroy former squad mate Nawara Ven's X-wing. However, Corran Horn chased her down, and inflicted lethal damage to her interceptor.

Damaged, her interceptor was unable to maintain altitude over the Thyferran moon. It crashed into the surface, and crumpled into an unrecognizable shape. Erisi apparently died in the crash. Corran Horn remarked that it was nothing spectacular, and that she would have hated what had happened to her. His R2 unit Whistler told him something along the lines of "who cares what she would have wanted."

Ultimately, the Rogue campaign was successful when the Lusankya surrendered to Wedge Antilles.

[edit] Appearances