Eric McGorrill

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Eric McGorrill
First appearance Arrival
Age 16
Portrayed by Jeremy Kissner

Eric McGorrill is a fictional character of Flight 29 Down, He is played by Jeremy Kissner.

[edit] Character Info

Eric is the son of a hilarious comedian, who is always up for a joke and a gag. However, he seems to let Eric down as a father rather than a comedian. Eric is known to be sarcastic and witty at Hartwell, which seemed to make him a bit popular there.

As he is stuck on a deserted island with nine other passengers while on their way to the Micronesia EcoAdventure Tour, Eric is still the sarcastic jerk as always.

Rarely impressed by authority, whether at school or on this trip, Eric is more concerned with getting out of responsibilities by using his humor and trickery than he is with achieving any sort of results from hard work.

He is fatally allergic to shellfish but was saved by Melissa who knew how to stop the allergy.

When the water had gone missing, due to Eric's carelessness, he and Daley went in search for more water to replace the ones he took. The two had found an underground spring in an area close to where Daley got the leeches stuck on her legs.

Eric fakes an injury in order to not have to help out at all. He manages to fool Melissa with his story, but got caught in the act when he was playing around with Taylor.

Eric blackmailed Melissa into doing his share of the work with information about her crush on Jackson. He later feels guilty when Melissa is key in saving his life.

Nathan and Eric had discovered a distress message that lead them to find Abby dehydrated and alone.

Eric had watched a private video diary of Jackson's, and learned a shocking secret about him. But he was not the only one, Lex spotted him watching Jackson's tape and was determined not to have him use it against him. When Lex was suspected of taking everyone's tapes (which he actually did to protect Jackson), Eric was the prosecutor, but was found out by Lex. Eric had everyone know about Jackson's tape and told them about it. Becacuse of that, Jackson left the group, and Eric, Melissa, and Nathan went looking for him. During the storm, Eric had gotten lost along the way in finding his way to camp and finding Jackson. However, he managed to run into him while shivering in the rain. They returned to camp, only to discover the next morning that the plane was washed into the sea.

Eric had started breaking up the group by depending on himself, by leaving the group to make his own shelter.

When Eric had gotten tired of getting water from the well, he decided to take the initiative and hide the lighter from everyone. However, things got worse when the lighter was accidentally broken. Blaming him for his carelessness, the group wanted to punish him. Melissa, taking pity on him, said that he should get the guilla monster out of the tent. It was only to let him off of the hook since she knew he had a pet iguana.

Proving for once that he is not lazy and self-centered, Eric stays by Nathan's side while he is trapped under the plane. He managed to fix the lighter after Nathan was tended to.

He hated the idea of moving the plane, because it meant a longer wait for rescue.

He wanted to explore the rest of the island, he admitted to Lex.

Eric was suspected of stealing more supplies from the group by Lex and Melissa. Lex almost let slip of his plans for what happened last time, which caused a confrontation with them. Eric made a light bulb to light their way around the camp. He went off with Abby to find the others.

[edit] See also

Flight 29 Down
Main Characters
Taylor Hagan | Cody "Jackson" | Daley Marin | Lex Marin | Eric McGorrill | Nathan McHugh | Melissa Wu
Secondary Characters
Abby Fujimoto | Captian Russell | The Others
List of Flight 29 Down episodes
List of Flight 29 Down books
Stan Rogow | D.J. MacHale