Eric Jimenez (actor)

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Eric Jimenez
Born: December 2, 1981
Eagle Pass, TX
Occupation: Actor

Eric Jimenez born Eric Alexander Mancha Jimenez on December 2, 1981 in the small border town of Eagle Pass, Texas is an American actor and writer.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Early life

Eric Jimenez's parents Alma Jimenez and Jorge Mancha divorced while he was still an infant. His mother later moved them to Dallas, Texas to get out of the problematic border town of Eagle Pass, where corruption and gang violence was prevalent. The move to Dallas prove to be a struggle for the actor, as he came from a very tight knit family. He found it hard to blend in with the other children in school. A naturally gifted painter, Eric pursued all forms of art to escape his shyness and intimidation of the city life. This later proved to be an outlet for his passion. After graduating high school from L.D. Bell, he attended K.D. Studio Actors Conservatory of the Southwest where he studied under actors, John S. Davies and Elizabeth Rothan. Praised by his teachers and peers for his unique acting style and the ability to take risks, he shone in plays such as "A View from the Bridge" and "Orpheus Descending". Eric found a unique talent in slam poetry as well. After graduating and doing some commercials in Dallas, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue his career.

[edit] Career

Spending a few months of struggling, he finally got a break in the independent movie, Citizens Arrest. Another door opened shortly in the movie The Beautiful Country, where he had a small part next to actor Nick Nolte. Things really began to pick up when he was offered a part in the movie Officer Down.

Eric Jimenez resides in Los Angeles where he is working on directing his own Latino project and performing urban slam poetry at the Formosa Cafe' in Los Feliz.

[edit] Trivia

  • Was an artist at the age of 6.

[edit] External links