Eremon (Ghana)

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Eremon is a small town in the upper western region of Ghana.Found under the Lawra district, it is the biggest subdistrict in the entire region.The people are mainly Dagaabas (from the Dagaati tribe) and they speak an indigenous language called Dagaare.The religion there is mainly Roman Catholic and the traditional religion which has been there for ages (though Roman Catholicism is fast overshadowing it)

It is noted for it's plentiful production of shea nuts (a nut from which cooking oil is derived).Usually supplying the rest of the nation with it.It's citizens have won best farmers awards because of shea nut cultivation.

It has a number of prominent families in that region notably the Mwinyella family.Found all over the country, it can be said to be one of the largest in that country though no effective argument can be made for this because there really is no means in Ghana that rate family size.

It is currently in a cold war with a nearby town with which it shares a border.The dispute is over whose land a said institution was built on.Zambo claims that institution should have been named by their people not by Eremon.The institution, a school, though is officially in Eremon.This situation is however a rarity in Ghana especially the Upper West region.