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Abbreviation: Equ
Genitive: Equulei
Symbology: the foal
Right ascension: 21 h
Declination: +10°
Area: 72 sq. deg. (87th)
Main stars: 3
Bayer/Flamsteed stars: 10
Stars with known planets: None
Bright stars: None
Nearby stars: None
Brightest star: α Equ (Kitalpha) (3.92m)
Nearest star: δ Equ (60 ly)
Messier objects: None
Meteor showers: None
Bordering constellations: Aquarius
Visible at latitudes between +90° and −80°
Best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of September

Equuleus (IPA: [ɪˈkwu.li.əs], Latin: little horse, i.e. a foal) is the second smallest of the 88 modern constellations, only Crux being smaller.

Despite its smallness and lack of bright stars (none are brighter than fourth magnitude), it was also one of Ptolemy's 48 constellations.


[edit] Notable features

Equuleus is the second smallest constellation, at 72 square degrees. The only constellation that is smaller is Crux. It is not a particularly conspicuous constellation; its brightest star is α Equ (Kitalpha), at magnitude 3.92m.

There are few variable stars in Equuleus. Only around 25 are known, most of which are obscure. γ Equ is an alpha CVn star, ranging between magnitudes 4.58m and 4.77m over a period of around 12½ minutes. R Equ is a Mira variable that ranges between magnitudes 8.0m and 15.7m over nearly 261 days.

Equuleus contains some double stars of interest. γ Equ consists of a primary star with a magnitude around 4.7m (slightly variable) and a secondary star of magnitude 11.6, separated by 2 arcseconds. ε Equ consists of four components. The brightest three are of magnitudes 6.0m, 6.3m, and 7.2m. δ Equ is a binary star with an orbital period of 5.7 years, which at one time was the shortest known orbital period for an optical binary. The two components of the system are never more than 0.35 arcseconds apart.

[edit] Notable deep sky objects

Due to its small size and its distance from the plane of the Milky Way, Equuleus contains no notable deep sky objects. Are notables the galaxies NGC 7015, NGC 7040, NGC 7045 and NGC 7046.

[edit] Mythology

Equuleus is associated with the foal Celaris, who was the brother of the winged horse Pegasus. Celaris was given to Castor by Mercury.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Burnham, Robert (1978). Burnham's Celestial Handbook: An observer's guide to the universe beyond the solar system, vol 2. Dover Publications ISBN 0-486-23567-X
  • Hoffleit+ (1991) V/50 The Bright Star Catalogue, 5th revised ed, Yale University Observatory, Strasbourg astronomical Data Center
  • Ridpath & Tirion (1984). Collins Guide to Stars and Planets, William Collins Sons & Co, Glasgow. ISBN 0-00-219067-2

[edit] External links

The 88 modern Constellations
Andromeda • Antlia • Apus • Aquarius • Aquila • Ara • Aries • Auriga • Boötes • Caelum • Camelopardalis • Cancer • Canes Venatici • Canis Major • Canis Minor • Capricornus • Carina • Cassiopeia • Centaurus • Cepheus • Cetus • Chamaeleon • Circinus • Columba • Coma Berenices • Corona Australis • Corona Borealis • Corvus • Crater • Crux • Cygnus • Delphinus • Dorado • Draco • Equuleus • Eridanus • Fornax • Gemini • Grus • Hercules • Horologium • Hydra • Hydrus • Indus • Lacerta • Leo • Leo Minor • Lepus • Libra • Lupus • Lynx • Lyra • Mensa • Microscopium • Monoceros • Musca • Norma • Octans • Ophiuchus • Orion • Pavo • Pegasus • Perseus • Phoenix • Pictor • Pisces • Piscis Austrinus • Puppis • Pyxis • Reticulum • Sagitta • Sagittarius • Scorpius • Sculptor • Scutum • Serpens • Sextans • Taurus • Telescopium • Triangulum • Triangulum Australe • Tucana • Ursa Major • Ursa Minor • Vela • Virgo • Volans • Vulpecula
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