
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An eprint is a digital version of a research document (usually a journal article, but could also be a thesis, conference paper, book chapter, or a book) that is accessible online, whether from a local Institutional, or a central (subject- or discipline-based) Digital Repository.

When applied to journal articles, the term "eprints" (or "e-prints") covers both preprints (before peer review) and postprints (after peer review).

"eprints" = preprints + postprints.

Digital versions of materials other than research documents are not usually called e-prints, but some other name, such as e-books.

(The digital objects themselves, "eprints," are not to be confused with the Open Access Institutional Repository-creating software, GNU Eprints. The principal target contents of Open Access Institutional Repositories (whether created by GNU Eprints software or any other software) are eprints.)

open access

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