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In the world created by Nasu Kinoko, the term “Vampire” is used as a common denominator for most kinds of bloodsucking species predominant in occidental regions. Though they share some similarities, these vampires are significantly different from their traditional literary counterparts on a considerable number of aspects, from their nature to their abilities. Though their primary appearance is within the visual novel Tsukihime, they appear in some side-stories and are treated as an important aspect of Kinoko’s world setting.

Though there are numerous kinds of subdivisions among vampires, the two main categories are that of the original True Ancestors, and their offspring, the Dead Apostles.


[edit] True Ancestors

Creatures created by the world as a countermeasure against the humans who were threatening its balance. As the planet did not have any direct means of defence against the progressively disruptive human kind, it called for the help of other celestial bodies, on the criteria that only a planet is able to correctly judge another of its kind. The one to answer was the plea would be the king of the moon, Crimson Moon Brunestud, whom the planet used as the base model to create the True Ancestors as the manifestation of its will to act as the rulers of earth. However, these all shared a common flaw with their original, an insatiable thirst for blood. The planet realized that it had been tricked by the Crimson Moon, who in fact desired to rule over the earth itself, and meant to use the True Ancestors as its means of resurrection.

Aesthetically indistinguishable from humans, True Ancestors are extensions of nature that are meant to act upon the will of the planet, born, or rather manifested directly into the material world. Powerful enough to rank among the strongest creatures on Earth, their natural lifespan is unlimited and. they are capable of regenerating and reconstructing themselves from any kind of damage. In addition to their naturally overwhelming strength, as they are meant to act as a defensive mechanism for the planet, they may even receive an additional surge of power from the world in accordance to their target’s power.

In spite of their power, their fundamental flaw, the insatiable blood thirst, proved to be their undoing. Though they do not require blood as sustenance, the urge to drink it is so overwhelming that the True Ancestors were normally forced to employ the great majority of their power only to suppress this impulse, rendering them incapable of acting at full strength. Even then, the thirst would only increase over time and despite what countermeasures they could manage, such as the creation of the Dead Apostles, all True Ancestors are eventually need to make a choice, whether to unleash their thirst and become Demon Lords, or enter a state of eternal sleep to prevent their rampage.

Among the True Ancestors, those who could manifest the Millennium Castle were given the title of Brunestud and regarded as royalty. There were only two cases known, the half-breed princess of the Dead Apostles, Altrouge Brunestud, and later on the princess of the True Ancestors, Arcueid Brunestud. The latter is the only once considered a successful clone of Crimson Moon, as well as the only one among the pure True Ancestors whose birth did not occur naturally, but was caused by her fellow kin. These two are also the only remaining Ancestors alive and active by the time of Tsukihime.

[edit] Demon Lords

The fallen True Ancestors who succumbed to their blood thirst and became a threat both to humans the Ancestors themselves. As they no longer needed to suppress their thirst, they could employ their powers to their full extent and therefore vastly overwhelm their still retrained kin. It was with the purpose of their elimination that the Ancestors caused the birth of Arcueid Brunestud. By the time of Tsukihime, all of them had long being eliminated.

[edit] Dead Apostles

The term used to designate the majority of present vampires and the ones most similar to the folkloric interpretation of this race. Humans who had their blood sucked and became sentient bloodsuckers themselves. The primary target of the Church. Originally a kind of “emergency ration” for the True Ancestors to quench their thirst as a last resort, chained to their masters for as long as they lived. In order to serve the immortal Ancestors, their lifespan had to be increased and so they began to drink blood in order to extend their lives. This in turn created more Dead Apostles under the command of their own command, eventually increasing their power enough to break apart from the Ancestors and claim freedom.

As they are fundamentally humans who have unnaturally mutated their bodies and extended their lifespan, their bodies decay at an alarming rate and so they require to constantly ingest biological material which is found primarily in humans and other living creatures. Unlike the ancestors, their thirst is not just an impulse, but the only means to remain alive. A Dead Apostle’s strength depends primarily on the power held by their “parent” vampire, that which turned them into vampires, and the amount of minions under their control. Obviously, those who were turned into vampires by the True Ancestors are the strongest. Like traditional vampires, they cannot operate during the day, but unlike them their lifespan is merely extended, not perpetuated. As centuries pass, their souls degenerate and their bodies’ decaying rate increases forcing them to consume more vital beings such as beasts, progressively diluting their humanity until they become shadows of their former selves.

Though normal physical weapons such as guns are able to cause physical damage to them, their unnatural speed capable of dodging bullets, and their regenerative powers which do not simply “heal”, but cause their bodies to turn their time backwards to a point in which they where unharmed, render most traditional weaponry useless. Those charged with their elimination, such as the Church Executioners, normally employ supernatural artefacts in their hunts.

Another difference from folkloric vampires is their reproduction. The majority of their victims do not immediately, if ever, become full fledged vampires, but some go through a long process of growth through several stages:

[edit] The Dead

The unliving slaves of the Dead Apostles. Mindless animated corpses who prowl during the night and suck blood the blood of humans, sending the energy to their master. Normally used by the Apostles to feed without needing to move from their hiding spots themselves. They have no will of their own and will never become vampires.

[edit] Ghouls

Humans who have had their blood sucked by a vampire, but had some of their predators’ blood slipped into them preventing them from achieving true death, fixating the soul to their bodies. Corpse eaters who consume flesh to make up for their decaying bodies. They have little to no consciousness, limited to the state of a hungry beast. Even if they are given the parent vampire’s blood, the chances of achieving this state is one in a hundred.

[edit] Living Dead

Ghouls who have successfully restored their bodies by consuming living flesh. Comparatively weaker than The Dead, but posses a will of their own and a soul. The chances of achieving this state are one in a thousand.

[edit] Vampires

One of ten thousand cases is able to transcend the state of Living Dead and become a full fledged vampire of their own. On extremely rare occasions, a human with an exceedingly spectacular mystic potential might directly skip these transitions and immediately rise as a vampire after being bitten. If their parent vampire, the Dead Apostle, is killed, these rise up and become Dead Apostles themselves.

[edit] The Twenty Seven Ancestors of the Dead Apostles

Originally, the name given to the first twenty seven Dead Apostles who had gained their freedom from the True Ancestors. The strongest of the human-born bloodsuckers and the Church’s maximum priority. Most of them are capable of employing Reality Marbles.

Presently, the list has changed greatly from its original state. The most logical case is that of the Apostles that were either succeeded by their servants after being killed, or were destroyed by other vampires who then took their rank. However, the present list seems to follow very contradicting criteria, evidenced by the following points:

  • Even though Roa was considered an “unnumbered” because his goals were not the same as that of the other Twenty Seven, the list does include beings who are either equally atypical, have no relation to the other Apostles, or are explicitly opposed to them.
  • Some of the creatures who succeeded an Apostle after killing them, while showing bloodsucking tendencies, do not belong to any vampiric race.
  • Some of the numbers are left empty because the Apostle was either destroyed or sealed, yet some of the spots are filled by beings who are also presumed dead.
  • The only clear criteria known is that, while the numbers do not reflect their powers, the ones belonging the first ten ranks cannot be killed by normal physical means.

Though there are many independent members, most Apostles have their own castles and armies of slaves. Having achieved such an extreme longevity, the Apostles began a game of conquest among themselves suggested by Ortenrosse, first to chase and kill the remaining True Ancestors and then to fight among each other. There are two primary factions that divide them, those who follow the formal King of the Dead Apostles, Trhvmn Ortenrosse, and those who follow Altrouge Brunestud.

Some of the Twenty Seven were eliminated during the course of Tsukihime and some of the side stories, but because of the game’s multiple scenarios and, in the case of the side-stories, their yet unconfirmed canonicity; there isn’t one absolute version of the final list. Therefore, it is presented as it is at the beginning of Tsukihime:

1. Primate Murder

2. The Dark Six

3. Crimson Moon Brunestud AKA Type-Moon

4. Wizard Marshal Zelretch AKA Kishua Zelretch Schweinorg

5. ORT AKA Type-Mercury

6. Rizo-Waal Strout AKA Black Knight Strout

7. The Forest of Einnashe

8. Fina-Blood Svelten AKA White Knight Svelten

9. Altrouge Brunestud AKA The Princess of the Dead Apostles

10. Nrvnqsr Chaos

11. Stanrobe Calhin AKA City Devourer

12. Empty

13. TATARI AKA Night of Wallachia

14. Van Fem AKA Valery Fernand Vandelstam

15. Rita Rozay-en

16. Gransburg Blackmore AKA Lord of the Black Wing

17. Trhvmn Ortenrosse AKA Lord of the White Wing

18. Enhance AKA The Knight of Vengeance

19. Empty

20. Merem Solomon AKA Crown

21. Sumire

22. Empty

23. Empty

24. El Nahat

25. Empty

26. Empty

27. Caubac Alcatraz AKA Millennium Lock

[edit] Primate Murder

The White Beast of Gaia. A white dog born with the sole purpose of killing humans. Its power is so high that seven Counter Guardians would be required to keep it restrained. It is currently under Altrouge's control, and though it is not related to vampires, it copied its master's habits and began drinking the blood of its victims.

[edit] The Dark Six

The first Dead Apostle. There is not much known about it at all, besides the fact that it is currently regenerating and is supposed to bring all Dead Apostles together once it awakens in the Aylesbury Ritual.

[edit] Crimson Moon Brunestud

The ultimate being of the Moon and the origin of the True Ancestors, also known as Type-Moon. It foresaw its own destruction, and meant to use the True Ancestors as vessels for its reincarnation. It was later destroyed by Zelretch when it was taken by surprise by the power of his True Magic. Though it has never fully reincarnated, it still exists within Arcueid and has manifested in a number of occasions.

Among its skills was an unnamed Reality Marble which allowed it to manifest within the True Ancestors, the “Rainbow” Mystic Eyes of the highest rank among noble colors, and a skill called Alt Nagel (Ancient Nail) which is described as an immensely destructive pillar of wind which stretches as far as the heavens.

[edit] Wizard Marshal Zelretch

The wielder of the Second Magic, Kaleidoscope, which controls alternative dimensions and possibilities. He was the one who destroyed Crimson Moon in order to stop it from crashing the Moon into the planet, but had his blood sucked in the process and became a Dead Apostle. Despite this he still retained his mentality and remained an ally of humankind. Due to his age he can no longer use Kaleidoscope extensively, but is still regarded as a notorious character by the Magic Association who still refer to him by the rank of Wizard Marshal, and is famous for his habit of taking promising students and submitting them to insufferably harsh and traumatizing training. It's unknown whether he drinks blood to survive, and is currently presumed to be in an alternate reality.

[edit] ORT

The ultimate being of the planet Mercury, also known as Type-Mercury. An lien life-form called by the planet to obliterate humans, it arrived on earth approximately five thousand years too early during the BC era and submerged itself in deep sleep somewhere in South America. As an attack-oriented life form, it boasts an offensive power far beyond anything existent on earth and based merely on raw strength, is the strongest of the Twenty Seven Apostles. The previous #5 attempted to capture it and was obliterated in a matter of seconds, but since it displayed a bloodsucking habit, it was considered as the successor to the rank. It remains fully asleep having no interest in the surrounding world and does not act unless disturbed.

Its appearance is that of a giant spider, and it possesses a corrosive trait by which its presence alone transforms the surrounding landscape into a crystallized terrain similar to ORT’s home world. While not exactly the same, this ability has similarities with what the earthen sorcerers call Reality Marble, and was given the particular name of “Crystal Valley”.

[edit] Rizo-Waal Strout

One of the oldest three Dead Apostles, also known as Black Knight Strout and is one of Altrouge's bodyguards. He owes his immortality to a curse and is the wielder of a demonic sword named "True Demon Neardark".

[edit] The Forest of Einnashe

A sentient mobile forest nicknamed "Disembowelling Sea of Trees" with a diameter of approximately fifty kilometres that manifests every fifty years and consumes the blood of any living creature within its reach. Anything unfortunate enough to find itself inside it is collectively attacked by the trees and plants and has its blood sucked dry, which in turn runs throughout the entire forest and gives the vegetation a dark-red colouration. Every fifty years at the time of its appearance, the Church sent an expedition in order to destroy it, but failed in every occasion. It is also said to contain a fruit in its core that would grant immortality to whoever could successfully retrieve it.

At first, the forest was thought to be the Reality Marble of the Dead Apostle Einnashe, who inexplicably would have been able to sustain the spell for an unnatural amount of time. The truth however was entirely different: Einnashe, a sorcerer vampire who specialized in controlling minds and memories, had been killed by Arcueid Brunestud with the aid of Ren’s original master a long time ago, but his body had been left laying under a tree. His blood was absorbed by the tree’s roots and as a result, it gained supernatural powers akin to those of a vampire and eventually grew to its present size.

The forest’s abilities are simple yet effective. The collective vegetation swarms any direct opposition from all angles regardless of size, including Merem Solomon’s 200 meters-long Right Leg demon. In addition, as it constantly consumes all environmental energy by itself, spell casting within its area of influence becomes nearly impossible, rendering almost any known offensive method useless.

In the side-story “Talk” which seemingly follows Arcueid’s True End in Tsukihime, the forest was successfully destroyed by Tohno Shiki, though the particular side-story’s canonicity is still unconfirmed.

[edit] Einnashe

The previous #7 and the origin of the Disembowelling Forest. A sorcerer who became a vampire and specialized in all kinds of hypnosis, such as memory rewriting. Though he could not erase memories, he could remodel them with such precision that could even hide his existence from anyone who ever encountered him. However, another sorcerer who had the ability to dive into the deepest reaches of the subconscious was able to resurface the information on Einnashe from Arcueid Brunestud's mind, and with his aid, the vampire was eliminated.

[edit] Fina-Blood Svelten

Another of Altrouge's bodyguards, together with Rizo and Primate Murder, also nicknamed "White Knight Svelten". He possesses a Reality Marble of unknown nature called "Parade" and is the captain of a ghost ship. He likes to suck blood from young boys and is on bad terms with both Rita Rozay-en and Van Fem, the latter due to having destroyed one of his castles during a previous battle between the two.

[edit] Altrouge Brunestud

The Princess of the Dead Apostles, born from a mix between a True Ancestor and a Dead Apostle. The leader of one of the two main factions among the Apostles and the only other being who could manifest Millennium Castle and earn the title of Brunestud. Though her appearance is described as that of a fourteen-year-old girl, she supposedly has a stronger second form.

Though there isn’t any particular information regarding her skills, she has supposedly beaten Arcueid in the past and is the one responsible for cutting her hair, though she was also defeated by the first incarnation of Roa when she tried to stop him. Her guardians, Rizo-Waal Strout, Fina-Blood Svelten and her servant Primate Murder are so strong that Merem Solomon believed that he could only defeat them by going down with them.

[edit] Nrvnqsr Chaos

[edit] Stanrobe Calhin

[edit] TATARI

[edit] Van Fem

[edit] Rita Rozay-en

[edit] Gransburg Blackmore

[edit] Trhvmn Ortenrosse

[edit] Enhance

[edit] Merem Solomon

[edit] Sumire

[edit] El Nahat

[edit] Caubac Alcatraz

[edit] References

    [edit] See also