Environmental health officer

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Environmental health officers (EHOs) are usually employed by local government or state health authorites to advise on and enforce public health standards. However, many are employed in the private sector and in the military.

EHOs or their equivalents can be found in most countries that have been part of the British Commonwealth. Internationally EHOs are also referred to as Public Health Inspectors, Sanitarians, Health Protection Officers etc.


[edit] Roles and responsibilities

The exact nature of an Environmental Health Officer's job may vary. Some EHOs will specialise whilst others will retain a generalist role.

Some typical areas of work include:

  • Inspecting/auditing food businesses for food safety and suitability
  • Licensing and inspecting premises on public health grounds
  • Communicable disease investigation
  • Monitoring recreational and drinking water
  • Environmental risk assessments
  • Assessing housing fitness
  • Discharge consents/monitoring
  • Environmental pollution investigations
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Compliance & Enfocement (including prosecutions)
  • Health promotion

[edit] Qualifications

Environmental health is a graduate career in most countries.

New Zealand Entrants to the profession must have either a BAppSc Health Protection or BHSc Environmental Health. Alternatively, suitably qualified science graduates can obtain a graduate diploma in environmental health.

Republic of Ireland To become an Environmental Health Officer it is necessary to hold an environmental health degree approved by the Department of Health & Children.

England & Wales EHOs must hold an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification recognised by the Environmental Health Registration Board.

Canada Public Health Inspectors have a university degree in Applied Science and a national professional certificate in Public Health Inspection - C.P.H.I.(C).

EHOs bring to the position an understanding of microbiology, risk assessment, environmental science and technology, food science, as well as skills and knowledge related to the tracking and control of communicable disease and the investigation and enforcement of legislation related to public health and the environment. Working in partnership with Government Ministries such as Health, Agriculture and the Environment, local municipalities, businesses, community groups and agencies as well as individual members of the community the EHO plays a major role in protecting public health.

[edit] Related Links

New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (England and Wales)

[edit] See also

Public health