Enterprise Ireland

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Enterprise Ireland is the Irish state economic development agency focused on helping Irish-owned business transform itelf both with respect to geographical spread and value added. The core mission of Enterprise Ireland is to accelerate the development of what is hoped will become world-class Irish enterprises capable of achieving strong positions in global markets resulting in increased national and regional prosperity and purchasing power. It has previously collaborated with the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET ) on the awarding of basic research grants.

Through the agency's extensive network of 13 Irish offices and 34 international offices, it works with Irish companies to assist them to compete and to grow.

It's focus, for Irish companies, is on five main areas of activity: Achieving export sales; investing in research and innovation; competing through productivity; starting up & scaling up and driving regional enterprise.

The agency also provides assistance and direction for companies outside Ireland who are searching for suppliers and the agency can help international companies who want to set up food and drink manufacturing operations in Ireland.

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