Ensemble Alternance

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The Ensemble Alternance; with their instruments
The Ensemble Alternance; with their instruments

Ensemble Alternance is a chamber ensemble of soloists devoted to the performance of contemporary classical music. The ensemble was founded in 1983 by the flautist Jean-Luc Menet with intention of "developing, integrating and exploiting the chock of temporal passages as well as cultural and new instrumental rotations in the vast expanse of music of our time. And then to confront these with works from the distant and near past."

The ensemble is particularly well known for its performances of Pierre Boulez, John Cage, György Ligeti, George Crumb, Giacinto Scelsi, de Pablo, and Klaus Huber. Priority is given to premiering works by composers whom they consider to be true creators, such as the composers Philippe Hersant, Philippe Schoeller, Bruno Mantovani and the like.

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