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EnSight is an animation, data visualization and post-processing software package. EnSight is typically used in fields such as computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis and in multi-physics applications such as fluid-structure interaction.

Common tasks associated with post-processing analysis of flow solver (e.g. Fluent, STAR-CD, FLOW-3D, OpenFOAM for CFD and Nastran, ABAQUS, ANSYS, LS-Dyna, MSC.Adams for FEA) can include:

  • calculating quantities (e.g. flow rate, pressure loss)
  • Normalizing data;
  • Deriving flow field functions like pressure coefficient or vorticity magnitude
  • Interactively exploring data through cut planes (a slice through a region), iso-surfaces (3-D maps of concentrations), particle paths (dropping a massless or massed object in the "fluid" and watching where it goes).

Other uses can be to fly-thru a complex structure or assembly, or explode it to reveal inner workings and structures by means of camera motions and/or transparency and/or part motion relative to the assembly.

EnSight is developed by Computational Engineering International in Apex, North Carolina. EnSight came from earliear software known as MPGS (multi-purpose graphics system) from Cray Computers in the late 1980s.