Engineering management

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Engineering management is a field that bridges the gap between engineering and management.

Engineering Management involves the overall management of organizations with an orientation to manufacturing, engineering, technology or production. Programs are available that provide Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D degrees. Undergraduate programs provide generalist degrees that enable engineers to better deal in the business environment. Master's Degrees in Engineering Management provide a technical-based alternative to traditional MBA programs. Industrial and professional associations such as engineers' societies also offer certification programs that validate Engineering Management knowledge and skills. Specialization areas in both degree and certification programs may include management of technology, product and process, quality, organizational management, operations management, program management, marketing and finance.


[edit] Education

Engineering Management education is generally imparted at the graduate level. Candidates are required possess an academic undergraduate degree with a major in Engineering, Computer Science, Math or the Sciences. The length of study for such a degree is usually between a year and two and the completed degree may be designated as a Master of Engineering Management, MS in Engineering Management, MS in Technology or Innovation Management or MS in Management Science & Engineering, depending upon the university. The degree generally includes units covering Management, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance and Project Management, among many others. Students often choose to specialize in one or more sub-disciplines such as Marketing, Finance, Healthcare and Energy.

Some of the notable Master of Engineering Management Programs in the United States are offered at the following schools:

On 2006 Duke, Darmouth and Northwestern University established a master of enigneering management consortium agreement. At the same time, other American universities have established an agreement with international schools:

[edit] Professional bodies

[edit] Professional certification

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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