Engagement on Lake Huron

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Engagements on Lake Huron
Part of the War of 1812
Date August 13September 6, 1814
Location Lake Huron, Canada
Result British victory
Great Britain United States
Miller Worsley Arthur Sinclair
George Croghan
3 killed
9 wounded
1 schooner destroyed
6 killed
6 wounded
2 gunboats captured
Detroit frontier
Tippecanoe1st Mackinac IslandMaguagaFort DearbornDetroitFort HarrisonFort WayneMississinewaFrenchtownFort MeigsFort StephensonLake ErieThamesLongwoodsPrairie du Chien2nd Mackinac IslandLake HuronMalcolm's Mills

The Engagement on Lake Huron was actually a series of minor engagements, which left the British in control of the lake and thus of the Old Northwest for the latter stages of the War of 1812.


[edit] Background

The British had captured the important American trading post at Fort Mackinac early in the war. The Americans were unable to mount an expedition to recapture it until 1814.

The American force initially consisted of five vessels (the brigs Lawrence, Niagara and Caledonia, and the gunboats Scorpion and Tigress) under Commodore Arthur Sinclair, with 700 soldiers (half regulars, half militia) embarked under Lieutenant Colonel George Croghan.

The expedition sailed from Detroit and entered Lake Huron on July 12. They first searched Matchedash Bay for a British supply base but failed to find one. They then attacked the British post at St. Joseph Island on July 20 but found it abandoned. On August 4, they attacked the main British position at Fort Mackinac in the Battle of Mackinac Island but were repulsed with heavy losses.

[edit] Action at Nottawasaga

In spite of the victory, the British at Mackinac were very short of provisions and would starve if they were not resupplied before Lake Huron froze at the start of winter. Sinclair had earlier captured a small schooner (the Mink) belonging to the North West Company, and learned from one of the prisoners that the British supply base was at Nottawasaga Bay. He arrived there with the Niagara, Scorpion and Tigress on August 13.

The British detachment at Nottawasaga consisted of 21 sailors under Lieutenant Miller Worsley, 9 French Canadian voyageurs and 23 Indians. The unarmed schooner Nancy[1] was also there, loaded with 300 barrels of provisions. The Nancy had been towed two miles (3 km) up the Nottawasaga River, and a crude blockhouse armed with two carronades and a field gun was hastily constructed for her protection.

Croghan's troops (three companies of regular infantry and a detachment of artillery) landed, and foraging parties discovered the Nancy. As they attacked on the next day, the American ships opened fire over intervening sand hills without success. To support their infantry, the Americans landed two howitzers. Worsley had already decided that further defence was impossible and had made preparations to destroy the blockhouse and schooner when a hit from a howitzer shell ignited the powder trail he had laid, and did the job for him. His party suffered one killed and one wounded.

The Americans recovered the guns from the wrecked blockhouse and then felled trees across the river. Sinclair departed for Detroit in the Niagara, leaving the gunboats to maintain a blockade of the bay.

[edit] Movements in late August

The Americans had missed one hundred barrels of provisions, two batteaux and a large canoe which had been moved higher up the river. Worsley removed the obstructions from the river and sailed for Fort Mackinac with his sailors and Lieutenant Livingston of the Indian Department, carrying seventy barrels, late on August 18. The gunboats failed to spot him, and he believed he might reach Mackinac Island without further difficulty, other than shortage of rations.

The gunboats were forced back into Lake Huron by a storm a few days later. The Americans then heard that a party of Canadian Voyageurs under a Captain J. M. Lamotte were attempting to reach Mackinac Island with supplies via the Ottawa River, Lake Nipissing and the French River. To intercept this party, the gunboats cruised in a narrow channel east of Mackinac Island, known as the Detour Passage. The voyageur party were warned and temporarily turned back.

Worsley encountered the two gunboats in the Detour but was able to turn aside without being spotted. He concealed the batteaux at a secluded bay and reached Mackinac Island with the canoe on September 1.

[edit] Capture of the gunboats

Worsley asked Lieutenant Colonel Robert McDouall, the commandant at Fort Mackinac, for reinforcements to be used to attack the gunboats. He received 60 men of the Royal Newfoundland Fencibles, all expert boatmen, in four large boats. Two hundred Indians in nineteen canoes followed them in case any warriors were fighting for the Americans, but (other than Livingston and three chiefs) they did not take part in the following actions.

On the night of September 4, Worsley's four boats approached the Tigress silently. The crew (thirty-one sailors and marines) of the gunboat spotted them too late, and their fire missed. The attackers swarmed on board and overpowered them.

The next day, the Scorpion came into view but appeared not to have heard any of the fight. At dawn on September 6, Worsley set sail towards her, under American colours and with most of his men below decks or concealed under their greatcoats. Worsley came within few yards of the Scorpion and opened fire. As the ships came into contact, his men once again swarmed aboard the surprised American vessel and subdued any resistance.

Scorpion (but not Tigress) had boarding nettings rigged and might have been able to fight off a boarding attempt from small boats but not from a vessel of equal size.

[edit] Aftermath

The captured Scorpion and Tigress were renamed Surprise and Confiance. It was too late in the year for American ships to re-enter Lake Huron to engage them. They sailed at once for Nottawasaga and returned at the start of October with six months' provisions. This was sufficient to keep the garrison of Mackinac and their Indian allies supplied until the end of the war.

The British planned to build a frigate at Penetanguishene on Matchedash Bay in 1815. Together with the construction of other vessels at Chippawa which would contest the American control of Lake Erie, this would have further reinforced the British advantage in the area. The end of the war put a halt to its construction (although a naval base was opened at Penetanguishene in 1817).

[edit] Results

Although trifling in scale, the British and Indian successes on Lake Huron were vital, given the remoteness and sparse population of the theatre.

Some American historians maintain that the expedition to recapture Mackinac Island was a waste of resources and that the troops would have been better employed in the battles on the Niagara peninsula and the crews of the vessels more use in the squadron on Lake Ontario. On the other hand, 300 extra regular soldiers and the same number of sailors would have made little difference given the scale of the battles further east; and the successful recovery of Fort Mackinac would have spared other American troops tied down in garrisons in the west by hostile Native Americans.

[edit] References