Engage (organization)

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Engage is an organisation which publishes materials in opposition to left and liberal antisemitism, primarily in UK academic institutions. The organization describes its mission as follows: "Engage challenges left and liberal antisemitism in the labour movement, in our universities and in public life more generally. Antisemitism here, manifests itself mainly as anti-Zionism. We are a resource for the monitoring and the critique of left and liberal antisemitism." Engage was originally founded in response to the decision of the Association of University Teachers to participate in an academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

The founders of Engage were David Hirsh, who teaches at Goldsmiths College at the University of London, and Jon Pike, who teaches at the Open University. Hirsh writes about left and liberal anti-semitism for the Guardian Unlimited blog. Well-known supporters include the academic and blogger Norman Geras.

[edit] Positions (Qtd. from the Founding Statement)

  • Engage opposes Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. We are in favour of the foundation of a Palestinian state alongside the state of Israel.
  • Engage aims to encourage, facilitate and publicise positive links between Israeli, Palestinian, British and global academia.
  • Engage stands up against antisemitism in our universities, in our unions and in our students unions. Opposing the sometimes brutal actions of the Israeli government and army is not antisemitic. But sometimes anti-Zionism is antisemitic.

[edit] External links

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