Endangered Wildlife Trust

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The Endangered Wildlife Trust ia a South African environmental organisation for the conservation of threatened species and ecosystems in southern Africa.

Founded in 1973 the EWT implements conservation research and action programmes, supports biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and advocates the sustainable use of natural resources. EWT establishes dedicated working groups through which the objectives of the Trust can be achieved. These working groups are the operational units of the organisation and are essentially self-managed, harnessing the talent and enthusiasm of a network of specialists and stakeholders in an area of conservation priority. Existing working groups have developed highly credible track records effecting conservation outcomes.

[edit] Working groups

  • Bat Conservation Group
  • Birds of Prey Working Group
  • Blue Swallow Working Group
  • Carnivore Conservation Group
  • Conservation Leadership Group
  • Ground Hornbill Working Group
  • KZN Biodiversity Programme
  • Law and Policy Working Group
  • Marine & Coastal Working Group
  • Oribi Working Group
  • Poison Working Group
  • Riverine Rabbit Working Group
  • South African Crane Working Group
  • African Cranes, Wetlands and Community
  • Airports Company Strategic Partnership
  • CBSG Southern Africa
  • Eskom Powerlines Strategic Partnership
  • Forum Natureza em Perigo (Mozambique)
  • TRAFFIC East / Southern Africa
  • Giant Bullfrog Project
  • Vulture Study Group
  • Alien Invader Plants

[edit] External links