User:EncMstr/Oregon ZIPs

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This is a complete list of the ZIP Codes in the U.S. state of Oregon.


[edit] United States ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: All States - 3-digit starting with: 0-1 - 2-3 - 4-5 - 6-7 - 8-9
2-digit starting with: - 90 - 91 - 92 - 93 - 94 - 95 - 96 - 97 - 98 - 99

3-level ZIP Code map of Oregon
3-level ZIP Code map of Oregon

[edit] Oregon ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes 97000-97999 are all in Oregon. The numbering scheme appears to be:

  • 970xx: Portland suburbs, (but excluding Portland) plus the area to Sherman County
  • 971xx: NW Oregon, including north coast
  • 972xx: Portland and adjacent communities in Clackamas and Washington counties
  • 973xx: Salem area: central coast to Cascade mountains
  • 974xx: Eugene area: south central coast to Cascade mountains
  • 975xx: Medford area (Jackson and Josephine counties)
  • 976xx: Klamath Falls area (Klamath and Lake counties)
  • 977xx: Central Oregon (primarily Crook, Deschutes, Harney, Jefferson counties)
  • 978xx: Pendleton area (Baker, Gilliam, Grant, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wheeler counties)
  • 979xx: SE Oregon: Malheur County plus other immediate communities (Served by Boise)

Within each 3-digit designation, numbers are issued in the following manner: The main post office is given the -01 ZIP Code (Salem 97301). Some space may or may not be reserved (-02 to -09, for instance). The rest of the communities in the area are then alphabetized and issued numbers in that order. Generally you will see the A- communities at the top of the list and the Z- communities at the bottom. In some cases, post office names may be out of order. One reason could be that a rural post office is served by another larger one as in the case of the closed out McCoy (97339) having been served by Dallas (97338).

In the list by ZIP Codes, multiple names separated by commas means either multiple communities and/or post offices are in the same ZIP Code, or the United States Postal Service recognizes several names for the area. In most cases, the first name is accepted by the USPS and the remaining entries are communities that are served by that zip code. Many secondary entries never had their own zip code or post office.

Italicized entries are defunct ZIP Codes that are no longer recognized. Most of these communities' postal services have been absorbed by a neighboring community. Some of these ZIP Codes have been re-issued (such as 97339 from McCoy to Corvallis).

[edit] Trivia

  • 970-, 971-, and 979- do not follow the -01 nomenclature. In these cases Portland is the -01 for 970- and 971-, and Boise, Idaho is the -01 for 979-. Portland is also the -01 for Washington's 986-.
  • ZIP Codes mostly follow county lines. Cases where they do not would include a post office and ZIP Code closing out to the most convenient post office across a county line.
  • Gilliam County has only two post offices, (Arlington and Condon), the fewest of any county in Oregon.
  • All four of Crook County's post offices and ZIP Codes are in sequential order (Paulina, Post, Powell Butte, Prineville; 97751, -52, -53, -54).
  • Astoria is the oldest active and continuous post office west of the Rocky Mountains.
  • Of any two post offices in Oregon, the closest are Mehama and Lyons at 0.56 miles apart
  • The most active ZIP Codes served by one post office are five from Burns: Burns, Fields, Princeton, Diamond and Frenchglen (97720, 97710, 97721, 97722 and 97736). Burns also took over Lawen (97740) upon its closure.
  • The New Pine Creek post office, 97635, is less than 200 feet from the California border.

ZIP Locality Alternative names Former names

[edit] 970

97001 Antelope Clarno
97002 Aurora Butteville, Prahl, Wallace
97003 Barlow closed to Canby
97004 Beavercreek Lower Highland, Clarkes, Falls View, Fishers Corner, Hogback
97005 Beaverton Progress
97006 Beaverton Aloha, Hillsboro, formerly Elmonica, Oak Hills, Quatama, Somerset West, Reedville
97007 Beaverton Aloha, Farmington, Hazeldale, Jacktown, Kinton, Groners Corner, Murrayhill, Sexton Mountain
97008 Beaverton Bel-Air, Denneux, Hyland Hills, Sorrento Ridge, Whitford, Greenway, Progress. This ZIP Code was formerly assigned to Bonneville.
97009 Boring Damascus, Cottrell, Haley, Kelso, Wetzels Corner, Wilson Corner Barton
97010 Bridal Veil
97011 Brightwood Salmon
97012 Brownsmead (absorbed into Astoria)
97013 Canby Barlow, Central Point, Lone Elder, Macksburg, O'Neil Corners
97014 Cascade Locks Bonneville, Dodson
97015 Clackamas Damascus, Happy Valley, Carver, Harmony, Johnson City, Sunnyside
97016 Clatskanie Birkenfeld, Westport, Mist
97017 Colton
97018 Columbia City
97019 Corbett
97020 Donald
97021 Dufur Friend
97022 Eagle Creek Douglass Ridge, Dover
97023 Estacada Viola Santa Cruz, Tracy, Currinsville, Garfield
97024 Fairview Interlachen, North Gresham
97025 Friend (closed out to Dufur)
97026 Gervais St. Louis
97027 Gladstone Glen Echo
97028 Government Camp Timberline Lodge
97029 Grass Valley
97030 Gresham Centennial, Damascus, North Central, North East, Powell Valley
97031 Hood River Dee
97032 Hubbard
97033 Kent
97034 Lake Oswego Glenmorrie, Lake Grove, Lakewood, Oregon, Palisades, South Lake Oswego, West Linn
97035 Lake Oswego Bryant, Jean, Lake Grove, Mountain Park, River Grove, Rosewood, West Lake
97036 Marylhurst
97037 Maupin Pine Grove, South Junction
97038 Molalla Marquam, Eby, Hermans, Liberal, Mount Hope
97039 Moro
97040 Mosier
97041 Mount Hood Parkdale Parkdale, Mount Hood
97042 Mulino Union Mills
97043 North Portland (N. Marine Dr. and N. Portland Rd.) absorbed into Portland
97044 Odell
97045 Oregon City Redland, New Era, Outlook, Park Place, Canemah, Carus, Clackamas Heights, Echo Dell, Fir Grove, Fischers Mill, Four Corners, Henrici, Linns Mill, Logan
97047 Parkdale (merged with Mount Hood)
97048 Rainier
97049 Rhododendron Zigzag
97050 Rufus
97051 Saint Helens
97053 Warren (delivery from St. Helens)
97054 Deer Island (delivery from St. Helens)
97055 Sandy Alder Creek, Bull Run, Cherryville, Firwood, Marmot, Shortys Corner
97056 Scappoose
97057 Shaniko
97058 The Dalles Celilo, Rowena
97059 Chenoweth (closed out to The Dalles)
97060 Troutdale Wood Village Springdale
97062 Tualatin Stafford, Wankers Corner, Durham, Norwood, Tonquin
97063 Tygh Valley Wamic Store
97064 Vernonia
97065 Wasco Biggs, Biggs Junction
97067 Welches Wemme
97068 West Linn Advance, Bolton, Cedaroak, Hazelia, Hidden Springs, Marylhurst Heights, Robinwood, Rosemont, Shadowood, Sunset, Wankers Corner, Willamette
97069 Willamette (now part of West Linn)
97070 Wilsonville Charbonneau, Advance, Ladd Hill
97071 Woodburn Monitor
97072 Monitor (now absorbed by Woodburn)
97073 Zigzag (closed to Rhododendron)
97074 South Junction (closed to Maupin)
97075 Beaverton (P.O. Boxes)
97076 Beaverton (P.O. Boxes)
97077 Beaverton (Tektronix)
97078 Beaverton (formerly First Consumer's National Bank)
97080 Gresham Anderson, Damascus, Hillsview, Asert, Gresham Butte, Hollybrook, Kelly Creek, Orient, Pleasant Home
97086 Happy Valley Clackamas, Portland
97089 Damascus Boring Carver, Clackamas, Gresham, Happy Valley

[edit] 971

97101 Amity
97102 Arch Cape
97103 Astoria Tongue Point Village
97106 Banks Christie Tillamook Junction, Wilkesboro
97107 Bay City
97108 Beaver
97109 Buxton Banks
97110 Cannon Beach
97111 Carlton
97112 Cloverdale
97113 Cornelius Blooming Schefflin, Vadis
97114 Dayton Grand Island
97115 Dundee
97116 Forest Grove Glenwood Carnation, Detour, Dilley, Greenville, Kansas City, Roy, Thatcher, Verboort
97117 Gales Creek
97118 Garibaldi
97119 Gaston Laurelwood, Stimson Mill, Dellwood, Dewey, Wapato
97120 Glenwood (now served by Timber)
97121 Hammond
97122 Hebo
97123 Hillsboro Scholls Farmington, Groners Corner, Laurel, Midway, Newton, North Scholls, Witch Hazel
97124 Hillsboro Bendemeer Bowers Junction, Helvetia, Mahan, Orenco, Starkey Corner, Valle Vista, West Union, Bethany
97125 Manning
97126 Jewell closed to Seaside
97127 Lafayette
97128 McMinnville Saint Joseph
97130 Manzanita
97131 Nehalem Mohler
97132 Newberg Rex Springbrook, Sunnycrest
97133 North Plains Glencoe Mountaindale, Shady Brook
97134 Oceanside
97135 Pacific City
97136 Rockaway Beach (formerly named Rockaway), Brighton
97137 St. Paul
97138 Seaside Gearhart Jewell
97140 Sherwood Hoodview North Scholls, Middleton, Mountain Home, Mulloy, Six Corners
97141 Tillamook Cape Meares
97142 Lees Camp closed out to Tillamook
97143 Netarts
97144 Timber
97145 Tolovana Park
97146 Warrenton
97147 Wheeler
97148 Yamhill Cove Orchard Lunnville
97149 Neskowin

[edit] 972

97201 Portland Bridlemile, Corbett-Terwilliger, Goose Hollow, Healy Heights, Homestead, Lair Hill, Southwest Hills
97202 Portland Ardenwald, Brooklyn, Creston-Kenilworth, Eastmoreland, Hosford-Abernethy, Reed College, Richmond, Sellwood-Moreland, Woodstock
97203 Portland Cathedral Park, Portsmouth, St. Johns, University Park
97204 Portland Downtown
97205 Portland Downtown, Goose Hollow
97206 Portland Brentwood-Darlington, Creston-Kenilworth, Foster-Powell, Mount Scott-Arleta, South Tabor, Woodstock
97207 Portland (University Station P.O. Boxes)
97208 Portland (Main Branch P.O. Boxes)
97209 Portland Old Town Chinatown, Pearl District
97210 Portland Hillside, Northwest, Northwest Industrial
97211 Portland Alameda, Beaumont-Wilshire, Boise, Bridgeton, Concordia, East Columbia, King, Sunderland, Vernon, Woodlawn
97212 Portland Beaumont-Wilshire, Eliot, Grant Park, Hollywood District, Irvington, Sabin
97213 Portland Beaumont-Wilshire, Center, Hollywood District, Rose City Park, Roseway
97214 Portland Buckman, Hosford-Abernethy
97215 Portland Mount Tabor
97216 Portland Montavilla
97217 Portland Arbor Lodge, Bridgeton, Hayden Island, Humboldt, Kenton, Overlook, Piedmont
97218 Portland Beaumont-Wilshire, Cully, Sunderland
97219 Portland Multnomah, Briarwood, Far Southwest, Arnold Creek, Ashcreek, Collins View, Crestwood, Dunthorpe, Maplewood, Markham, Marshall Park, Riverdale, Riverwood, South Burlingame, West Portland Park, Wilson
97220 Portland Madison South, Maywood Park, Parkrose, Parkrose Heights, Woodland Park
97221 Portland Arlington Heights, Bridlemile, Hayhurst, Sylvan-Highlands
97222 Portland Milwaukie, Oak Grove, Fair Oaks, Milwaukie Heights
97223 Portland Tigard, Garden Home, Greenburg, Metzger, Progress
97224 Portland Tigard, King City, Bonita, Durham
97225 Portland Cedar Hills, Garden Home, Raleigh Hills, West Haven, West Slope
97227 Portland Boise, Eliot
97228 Portland
97229 Portland Cedar Mill Rockcreek, Bonny Slope, Forest Heights, Northwest Heights
97230 Portland Argay, Hazelwood, Wilkes, Wilkes East
97231 Portland Burlington, Cornelius Pass, Folkenberg, Harborton, Holbrook, Linnton, Miller, Rafton, River Junction, United Junction
97232 Portland Kerns, Laurelhurst, Sullivan's Gulch
97233 Portland Centennial, Glenfair, Mill Park, Powellhurst, Rockwood
97236 Portland Gilbert, Pleasant Valley Happy Valley
97238 Portland (Airport P.O. Boxes)
97239 Portland Hillsdale, South Burlingame
97240 Portland (P.O. Boxes)
97242 Portland (Brooklyn P.O. Boxes)
97251 Portland (Qwest)
97253 Portland (US Bank)
97254 Portland (Portland General Electric)
97255 Portland (NW Natural Gas)
97256 Portland (Pacific Power and Light)
97258 Portland
97259 Portland (AT&T)
97266 Portland Harmony Point, Battin, Lents
97267 Portland Milwaukie, Oak Grove, Fair Oaks, Ashdale, Jennings Lodge, Glen Echo, Johnson City, Naef, Rothe, Concord
97268 Portland Oak Grove P.O. Boxes
97269 Portland Milwaukie P.O. Boxes
97271 Portland (ABMPS)
97272 Portland (ABMPS)
97280 Portland (P.O. Boxes at Multnomah)
97281 Portland (P.O. Boxes at Tigard)
97282 Portland (P.O Boxes at Sellwood)
97283 Portland (P.O Boxes at St. Johns)
97286 Portland (P.O. Boxes at Creston-Kenilworth)
97290 Portland (P.O. Boxes at Lents)
97291 Portland (P.O. Boxes at Evergreen)
97292 Portland (P.O. Boxes at Midway)
97293 Portland (P.O. Boxes at East Portland)
97294 Portland (P.O. Boxes at Parkrose)
97296 Portland (P.O. Boxes at Forest Park)
97298 Portland (P.O. Boxes at West Slope)
97299 Portland (P.O. Boxes at Rose City Park)

[edit] 973

97301 Salem
97302 Salem
97303 Salem Keizer
97304 Salem West Salem
97305 Salem Brooks
97306 Salem
97307 Keizer Salem P.O. Boxes
97308 Salem
97309 Salem P.O. Boxes at Main Branch
97310 Salem (Oregon state government)
97311 Salem (Oregon Employment Department)
97312 Salem (SAIF)
97313 Salem (State Farm Insurance)
97314 Salem (Department of Motor Vehicles)
97317 Salem (split from 97301)
97320 Agate Beach now served by Newport
97321 Albany North Albany
97322 Albany
97324 Alsea
97325 Aumsville West Stayton
97326 Blodgett
97327 Brownsville
97328 Burnt Woods
97329 Cascadia
97330 Corvallis Adair Village
97331 Corvallis (OSU)
97332 Corvallis (OSU dorms)
97333 Corvallis
97335 Crabtree
97336 Crawfordsville
97337 Cutler City merged into Lincoln City
97338 Dallas
97339 Corvallis McCoy
97340 Delake merged into Lincoln City
97341 Depoe Bay Lincoln Beach
97342 Detroit
97343 Eddyville Harlan
97344 Falls City
97345 Foster
97346 Gates
97347 Grand Ronde
97348 Halsey
97349 Harlan now closed out to Eddyville
97350 Idanha
97351 Independence
97352 Jefferson
97353 Kings Valley closed out to Monmouth
97354 Lacomb closed out to Lebanon
97355 Lebanon Lacomb Waterloo
97357 Logsden
97358 Lyons
97359 Marion Turner
97360 Mill City
97361 Monmouth
97362 Mount Angel
97363 Nelscott now merged into Lincoln City
97364 Neotsu
97365 Newport Agate Beach
97366 South Beach Newport
97367 Lincoln City Kernville Roads End, Wecoma Beach; formerly Oceanlake, now merged into Lincoln City
97368 Otis
97369 Otter Rock
97370 Philomath
97371 Rickreall
97372 Rose Lodge
97373 Saint Benedict
97374 Scio
97375 Scotts Mills
97376 Seal Rock
97377 Shedd
97378 Sheridan
97379 Ballston now served by Sheridan
97380 Siletz
97381 Silverton
97383 Stayton
97384 Mehama
97385 Sublimity
97386 Sweet Home
97387 Taft now merged into Lincoln City
97388 Gleneden Beach
97389 Tangent
97390 Tidewater
97391 Toledo
97392 Turner
97393 Valsetz destroyed by the Boise-Cascade Lumber Company in the early 1980's
97394 Waldport
97395 Waterloo absorbed into Lebanon
97396 Willamina
97397 Wren closed out to Philomath

[edit] 974

97401 Eugene
97402 Eugene
97403 Eugene
97404 Eugene
97405 Eugene
97406 Agness
97407 Allegany
97408 Eugene Coburg formerly Alpine
97409 Alvadore
97410 Azalea
97411 Bandon
97412 Blachly Horton Triangle Lake
97413 Blue River McKenzie Bridge
97414 Broadbent
97415 Brookings Harbor
97416 Camas Valley
97417 Canyonville
97418 Cascade Summit closed out to Crescent Lake
97419 Cheshire
97420 Coos Bay Charleston Eastside, Empire, Barview, Market
97421 Most likely Eastside now a CPO of and absorbed into Coos Bay
97422 Most likely Empire now a CPO of and absorbed into Coos Bay
97423 Coquille
97424 Cottage Grove
97425 Crescent Lake Cascade Summit
97426 Creswell
97427 Culp Creek
97428 Curtin
97429 Days Creek
97430 Deadwood Greenleaf
97431 Dexter
97432 Dillard
97433 Disston closed out to Culp Creek
97434 Dorena
97435 Drain
97436 Elkton
97437 Elmira
97438 Fall Creek Jasper
97439 Florence Glenada
97440 Eugene P.O. Boxes
97441 Gardiner
97442 Glendale
97443 Glide
97444 Gold Beach Pistol River
97445 Greenleaf closed out to Deadwood
97446 Harrisburg
97447 Idleyld Park
97448 Junction City
97449 Lakeside
97450 Langlois
97451 Lorane
97452 Lowell
97453 Mapleton
97454 Marcola
97455 Pleasant Hill Eugene Milo. Milo was the original holder of this ZIP Code until it closed out to Tiller
97456 Monroe Bellfountain and Alpine
97457 Myrtle Creek
97458 Myrtle Point Norway Remote, formerly Arago, Gaylord,
97459 North Bend
97460 Norway closed out to Myrtle Point
97461 Noti
97462 Oakland Stephens
97463 Oakridge
97464 Ophir
97465 Port Orford
97466 Powers
97467 Reedsport Winchester Bay
97468 Remote closed out to Myrtle Point
97469 Riddle
97470 Roseburg Dixonville Melrose, Green, Lookingglass
97472 Saginaw Cottage Grove. Post office only has boxes, no delivery.
97473 Scottsburg
97476 Sixes
97477 Springfield Mohawk
97478 Springfield Thurston. This ZIP Code was originally held by Sunny Valley until it closed out to Wolf Creek
97479 Sutherlin
97480 Swisshome
97481 Tenmile
97482 Thurston delivery closed out to Springfield still maintains P.O. Boxes
97483 Tiernan closed out to Mapleton
97484 Tiller Drew
97486 Umpqua
97487 Veneta
97488 Vida Finn Rock
97489 Leaburg Walterville
97490 Walton
97491 Wedderburn
97492 Westfir Hemlock
97493 Westlake
97494 Wilbur
97495 Winchester
97496 Winston
97497 Wolf Creek Sunny Valley
97498 Yachats
97499 Yoncalla

[edit] 975

97501 Medford
97502 Central Point Medford
97503 White City Central Point
97504 Medford
97520 Ashland Lincoln
97522 Butte Falls
97523 Cave Junction
97524 Eagle Point
97525 Gold Hill Sams Valley
97526 Grants Pass
97527 Grants Pass
97528 Grants Pass P.O. Boxes
97530 Jacksonville Applegate
97531 Kerby Cave Junction
97532 Merlin
97533 Murphy
97534 O'Brien
97535 Phoenix
97536 Prospect Union Creek
97537 Rogue River
97538 Selma
97539 Shady Cove
97540 Talent
97541 Trail
97543 Wilderville Grants Pass
97544 Williams

[edit] 976

97601 Klamath Falls Rocky Point Oretech
97602 Klamath Falls
97603 Klamath Falls Lake of the Woods
97604 Crater Lake P.O. Boxes
97620 Adel
97621 Beatty
97622 Bly
97623 Bonanza
97624 Chiloquin
97625 Dairy Klamath Falls
97626 Fort Klamath
97627 Keno
97630 Lakeview
97632 Malin
97633 Merrill
97634 Midland
97635 New Pine Creek
97636 Paisley
97637 Plush P.O. Boxes. Delivery has been transferred to Lakeview
97638 Silver Lake
97639 Sprague River
97640 Summer Lake
97641 Christmas Valley

[edit] 977

97701 Bend
97702 Bend
97707 Bend Sunriver
97708 Bend P.O. Boxes
97709 Bend P.O. Boxes
97710 Fields Andrews
97711 Ashwood
97712 Brothers
97720 Burns
97721 Princeton
97722 Diamond Burns
97730 Camp Sherman
97731 Chemult Diamond Lake
97732 Crane
97733 Crescent
97734 Culver
97735 Fort Rock
97736 Frenchglen
97737 Gilchrist
97738 Hines
97739 La Pine
97740 Lawen closed out to Burns
97741 Madras Metolius
97742 Metolius closed out to Madras
97750 Mitchell
97751 Paulina
97752 Post
97753 Powell Butte
97754 Prineville
97756 Redmond
97758 Riley
97759 Sisters Black Butte Ranch
97760 Terrebonne Crooked River Ranch
97761 Warm Springs

[edit] 978

97801 Pendleton Cayuse Rieth
97810 Adams Gibbon
97811 Alicel possibly closed out to La Grande
97812 Arlington Olex
97813 Athena
97814 Baker City Medical Springs Keating
97817 Bates
97818 Boardman
97819 Bridgeport
97820 Canyon City
97821 Cayuse closed out to Pendleton
97822 Cecil closed out to Ione
97823 Condon (Lonerock is a Condon rural route)
97824 Cove
97825 Dayville
97826 Echo
97827 Elgin
97828 Enterprise
97829 Flora closed out to Enterprise
97830 Fossil Mayville Kinzua
97831 Fox now served by Long Creek
97832 Gibbon closed out to Adams
97833 Haines
97834 Halfway
97835 Helix
97836 Heppner
97837 Hereford
97838 Hermiston
97839 Lexington
97840 Oxbow Brownlee
97841 Imbler
97842 Imnaha
97843 Ione
97844 Irrigon
97845 John Day
97846 Joseph
97847 Keating closed out to Baker City
97848 Kimberly
97849 Kinzua closed out to Fossil
97850 La Grande Island City
97851 Island City now served by La Grande
97855 Lonerock now a rural route of Condon
97856 Long Creek Fox Ritter
97857 Lostine
97858 McNary now served by Umatilla
97859 Meacham P.O. Boxes
97860 Medical Springs now served by Baker City
97861 Mikkalo served by Arlington
97862 Milton-Freewater
97864 Monument
97865 Mount Vernon
97866 New Bridge now served by Richland
97867 North Powder
97868 Pilot Rock
97869 Prairie City
97870 Richland
97871 Rieth closed out to Pendleton
97872 Ritter now served by Long Creek
97873 Seneca
97874 Spray
97875 Stanfield
97876 Summerville
97877 Sumpter Granite
97878 Telocaset closed out to either North Powder or Union
97880 Ukiah Dale
97881 Umapine closed out to Milton-Freewater
97882 Umatilla McNary
97883 Union
97884 Unity
97885 Wallowa
97886 Weston

[edit] 979

97901 Adrian
97902 Arock (PO boxes)
97903 Brogan
97904 Drewsey
97905 Durkee (PO boxes) Weatherby
97906 Harper
97907 Huntington Lime, Rye Valley
97908 Ironside
97909 Jamieson
97910 Jordan Valley Burns Junction, Danner, Rome
97911 Juntura Beulah, Jonesboro
97913 Nyssa Arcadia, Owyhee Corners
97914 Ontario Cairo, Claude
97917 Riverside (PO boxes)
97918 Vale Willowcreek
97919 Willowcreek closed out to Vale
97920 Westfall (PO boxes)

[edit] References

[edit] External links