Emotions Anonymous
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Emotions Anonymous is a 12-Step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, but for those seeking to improve their mental or emotional health. As of 2004 there were about 1,100 Emotions Anonymous groups active in the United States [1]. Emotions Anonymous founder, Marion Flesch (born 1911 died October 10, 2004) of St. Paul, Minnesota, originally went to Al-Anon meetings at the advice of a friend to help deal with panic attacks [2]. In 1971 Flesch created Emotions Anonymous to bring the benefit of the 12-Steps to people suffering from emotional problems. Some Emotions Anonymous groups focus on specific demographics such as the Gay and Lesbian group formed in Michigan [3].
[edit] External links
- Emotions Anonymous Website
- Just For Todays Blog - A Blog of Emotions Anonymous Literature (also syndicated on LiveJournal).