Embryo adoption

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Embryo adoption is the adoption of frozen human embryos created through in-vitro fertilization for subsequent frozen embryo transfer (FET) into the adoptive mother's uterus (unless carried by a surrogate). The mother then gives birth to her adopted child. Such adopted children may be called snow babies, and, when they get older, snowflake children.

Conservative groups see embryo adoption as a wonderful alternative option to stem cell research or destruction for embryos that allows them a chance for life.

There are currently only 2 embryo adoption agencies in the United States that provide this service Nightlight Christian Adoption and Embryos Alive. As of 2006, 110 children had been born through Nightlight's program, and 19 more pregnancies were reported and 5 live births from Embryos Alive with 3 pregnancies.

"Adoption" is only an informal term for this procedure. Since embryos are not considered to be children under the law, they cannot be legally "adopted." Thus, an embryo adoption is legally a transfer of ownership of embryos (ordinarily 2-3 embryos are transferred with several more being adopted because pregnancy may not result with the first attempt). Use of the term adoption is controversial because embryos are not universally considered to be children, nor are they considered so under the law.

Embryo adoption differs from ordinary donation of embryos in that a regular adoption agency performs a homestudy and matches the donor and adoptive families as in an open adoption (Embryos Alive provides agency liasion, open, and anonymous adoptions with the donors choosing adoptive parent/s).

The United States government has supported publicization of embryo adoption with a $1 million grant.

[edit] External links

  • Miracles Waiting, Inc. homepage Miracles Waiting, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing valuable and up-to-date information on all aspects of embryo donation, as well as offering embryo donors and recipients the opportunity to find each other and allowing them the freedom to work out the details on their own terms.
  • Embryos Alive homepageEmbryos Alive is the 2nd oldest of 2 Embryo Adoption Agencies in the U.S. Embryos Alive is an embryo adoption agency that lets donors choose adoptive parent/s for open, agency liasion, or closed-anonymous adoption much like a traditional adoption.
  • [embryosalive-subscribe@yahoo.com] Embryo adoptor alert group where adoptive parent/s learn of embryos available for adoption*

[1] from The National Embryo Donation Center

  • [embiedonorsupport-subscribe@yahoogroups.com] Embryo Adoption support group for parent/s who donated embryos that resulted in a child/ren. This is a closed group for DONORS ONLY. Discussion and questions emerge about giving the embryos a chance for life and and actually having them grow up in another family.