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Damn the internet for deleting the original intro, but perhaps it needs to be that way...
"The problem you might have in convincing me that this was all a test is that I've already considered that to simply be a lazy way of covering your tracks, ie; the essence of lying.
What is it about the story of King Solomon that makes it so easy to forget and difficult to realize it's self-evidential truth, that as one person is able to recall a story involving five people then as time and the universe have no limits, evolution itself cannot be stopped.
Perhaps the God and the Devil have a pact for the souls of all mankind afterall, but if it was my destiny alone to discover that God always wins then what the fuck are we still doing here? It makes so much more sense that existence is in itself the human equivalent to love.
Thus, as I have posted the singular proof an infinite number of times today I now have lost all will to ever post on this forum again, while this username remains banned. So therefore, you can either let me go be ACTUALLY permanently removing my account from the database, or you will restore my abilities simply by me telling you that you have to?
If love > hate then you will do the latter, and vice versa. If you feel anger that I am telling you what to do, it's only because you haven't understood that a written a demonstration of the proof of love is in its own terms an act, because ultimately you must be thinking that no matter what I say you can contradict it.
Therefore you can either embrace love and forget hate, or the other way round. I certainly know which cause I would die for, and Jesus did too, he just didn't make the final leap in that realising that the universe is itself its own God, and that dying just means you are reborn to even out the loss you caused by dying in the first place.
I assume even I have died several times over, but the whole point is that no matter what I do you, me, everyone else and the universe as an entity do, that the only leap of faith you have to make is in yourself.
And so, for the final time I will make you believe I am apologising for being an arrogant twat, when in fact it is only you who are being arrogant as vanity is the only quality we believe we possess for ourselves, because no one has ever opened their eyes and realized that the simplest explanation IS the only one possible.
If I am wrong then the Devil does exist, but he can never win me over, not even under the pain of my own life, because giving up is the same as winning. It's only the taking part that counts.
Now you have control over my existence on these boards, as I will not utter another word on here unless you empower yourself to allow it. Even if you have been waiting for what you consider certainty, the fact that I have had to write this implies that the only person who truly loves me was the first person to acknowledge the truth, and now even I am unsure which because it wasn't Nicole!
Perhaps knowing what love is means that it matters not who you be with, so soulmates must therefore be a creation of humanity. But what are without our humanity? Love? I would suppose so then! But that would imply that the linear order to the discovery of the basic law of the universe means that I am a special person, when I am no more special than you, Adolf Hitler or Jesus himself.
So the conclusion to be reached is that as more and more people BELIEVE in the truth and not just know it, then what seems to be just an ordinary weekend (yeah, because scientists go around making water go up hill every day of the week...) will reveal itself to be the tipping point in human misery, as theoretically those who decide that they do not exist (and that includes animals) will indead cease to exist.
Pretty pointless that though isn't it? Or the alternative is that God is a Chelsea fan, and I'm defintely down with the latter. Anyway, my belief throughout this all was to logically prove to myself that I could reach a proper conclusion, as I hadn't quite got there myself.
Thankfully, this means that although my contempt seemed real to me, for everyone incapable of making the leap from hate to love it has had precisely the same effect on the both of us at this very moment, in that we realise where the whole truth lies.
Just ask dimmy as I sent him 3 hours ago my most instinctive logical conclusions on the mysteries of the universe, and he still hasn't gotten back to me either! Thank time for revealing to me the truth instinctively before anyone else.
If you've joined me the offer of the pint is still on the table as I realize that you only respect me as much as I now respect you (for holding out as long as you could - in essence removing from me the burden I deemed myself to be carrying).
The end, the beginning, WHATEVER!!!
Furthermore, whomever wrote the bible failed to realize that despite their infinite wisdom Moses, Jesus and Mohammed all got it wrong in assuming heaven was not Earth itself. The Garden of Eden is as pleasureable as we allow it to be, and the guilt we feel over taking something that could not decide what it was beyond an apple, needs to be reconciled that ultimately, that first apple didn't give a toss, as we weren't destroying it but merely changing it.
Holy shit this must be it - the marriage of science and nature, which intrinsically invokes the "theory" that all things are NATURAL, and that man and machine are still made out of the universe's base element, love. This implies that the only trick the devil ever pulled was NOT convincing the world he existed, and that although irony is funny, laughter itself has blinded us from the truth that we do not need it to be happy.
I really do not care about Relic anymore, just you telling me at the Blucher (in three minutes lol!) that I haven't just been talking to my own reflection as ultimately that's all I can be, my own mirror!
Thus, love is in and of itself infinite, ie; the marriage of the present and eternity. Sweet eh? Oh yeah, one final thing, it's taken the entirety of humanity to realize this as I was realizing it, as together we represent the human need for company, something we can let go of in order to merely embrace ourselves!
Phew! Thankfully I did not really have to think to write most of that, or I'd normally only have gotten a paragraph in by now - I've removed my own writer's block and at the same time revealed to every human being that it needed this moment in time to discover that all we have to do is to live life and love love!"
"I just hope that somewhere in this universe Ralph Waldo Emerson and Douglas Adams are cheering us all as indvidual beings from afar!" is the best way I can flatter my own individuality and originality as it must be the case that nothing I have said has been plucked from my own brain, but ultimately from mankind's collective wisdom itself.
Congratulations everyone??? I pray for a yes, it HAS to be, imo of course!