User:Elmo Fritz

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Elmo Fritz's definition life: Time is an abstract concept created by man to apease himself somewhere between the 12th and 15th centuries AD. It is thought that the original race to have used time as a constant was the Simoleons. They used shadows casted by trees to derive the time of day. Man commonly uses time because it helps in being more efficent, organised and time saving. The worlds first ever clock is considered to have been concieved in a province in Italy. The year is said to have been 1486. It used rather primitive mechanical techinques such as weights and so on. Each day the clock would be out by about 3/5 of an hour. As time contiued, the quality of the time keepers developed and now in modern day, atomic clocks are only out by 3 seconds every year.

One of the many possibilities that time allows for is a peculiar thing called time travel. Time travel is a frivolous idea that poses the possibility of moving between certain times. However, there are many flaws in this particular idea. The first, why are we not being bombarded with visitors from the future? Now this particular tangent allows for many more arguments to be created such as "if they aren't comming, is there a future?". This idea leads to the conclusion that time is not set, meaning there is no future until mankind arrives at that certain point in time. Secondly, even if time travel was possible, the slightest interferance from a person or thing from a different time continuim, would change the future forever. If the thing or person were to return to their particular belonging in time, they would cease to exist. For example, say you are a mad scientist who has just discovered a possible mean of time travel. You go back to the past and try to prevent something horrid from happening in your childhood. You stop this from happening, but seeing that you never experience this tragedy, you would look at life differently. You would make different decisions and do different things, you would change other peoples live and so on. Hence changing all of the past that you knew. But having said all this, what if your future self becomes that way only because of prior intervention? Your future self is what it is because you changed it in the past. My personal opinion, time travel is possible through parallel universes, but it would interfere with everything else so imensly, that it could be catastrophic.

Having said all this, time being the abstract concept that it is could very well cease to exist one day. Another brilliant topic is where did the world come from? Now this topic has various points ranging from religous through to 'there is no beginning, lifes absurd'. Religions believe that God created the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested. I believe there is no such thing as God. My question to all these religions is 'Where did God come from?'. Ofcourse, there is no answer to this, hence eliminating the possibility of God. Science believes that we came from this 'blob' and slowly evolved into the humans we are today. That all the mass in our universe came from a supposed 'big bang'. Well, that's all good an all, but where did the mass come from for the 'big bang'? Why even was there a 'big bang'? These questions can not and will never be answered, simply because they can't be. Absurdism is a moronic concept that ignores all aspects of life and being and simply calls it 'absurd'. They can do as they like because everyone is entitled to believing what they want to believe. My idea on where we came from, we don't know, we will never know, it is a waste of time if you spend your life searching for an answer that can never be confirmed or even valid. I just accept that things are the way they are and carry on with life like a normal human being.

Associated with the previous argument is 'What comes after death?'. Well frankly, no-one knows. According to religion, you simply cease to exist, permanatley unconcious or asleep. Your spirit goes to God and stays with Him for eternity until Armegedon. This is a Jehovas witnesses point of view. Other religion's believe that when you die, if you have been good, you go to heaven. Otherwise, you go to hell. That is believable but it can't be as simple as that. The same can be said what happens before you are born which has the exact same answer. It is a known fact that every human being that has been weighed before dying and then after looses exactly 21 grams. Now what the 21 grams is, no-one knows. Could it be your soul/spirit? More is comming soon, stay tuned!