Elizabeth Wagele

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Elizabeth Wagele

Born: May 31, 1939 (age 67)
Salt Lake City, Utah
Occupation: Writer, Musician, Cartoonist
Genres: Psychology, Self-help, Children's literature, Articles
Website: http://www.wagele.com/

Elizabeth Wagele (born 1939) is an American artist, musician, best-selling writer, and expert on personality types: the Enneagram and the MBTI.


[edit] Life

Wagele was raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, until she was ten, when her family moved to Berkeley, California. She spent much of her time drawing, playing the piano, or making up stories with her dolls as a child. Music played a major role in her life as a friend and spiritual guide, especially Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Bartok, Charles Mingus, Billie Holliday, and other classical and jazz composers. A gifted pianist who majored in music composition, she studied piano with Tanya Ury and Bernhard Abramowitsch and composition with Andrew Imbrie and graduated cum laude from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1961. She studied, taught, and performed piano while raising her four children, and began writing books in 1993 with her friend, Renee Baron. Wagele partially supported herself in college by playing in a jazz combo. She still occasionally presents musical events.

Her interest in psychology stems from a natural curiosity about people, trying to figure out her family, and observing that, as an introvert, she was different from the extraverted norm. At around age 12, she discovered some large collections of books by Freud and Jung in homes where she babysat, which furthered her interest.

Wagele now lives in Berkeley, CA., with her husband, Gus. They have seven grandchildren.

[edit] Works

[edit] Books

Wagele is one of the best selling authors on the subject of the Enneagram and has written about the Myers-Briggs system, especially introversion. An award-winning cartoonist, she also illustrates her books with many cartoons and is known for her humor in her writing. Baron and Wagele broke ground in 1994 with the first book on Enneagram personality typology geared toward the general reading public: "The Enneagram Made Easy" (which has been translated into 17 languages). This book was on the San Francisco Chronicle’s Best Sellers List for Quality Paperbacks in the Bay Area in November, 1994. "Are You My Type, Am I Yours?" was published in 1995. These easily accessible books are creative and innovative, and correlate the Enneagram with the MBTI system. In 1997, Wagele wrote "The Enneagram of Parenting", the first book to suggest that teachers and parents use the Enneagram to broaden their acceptance and understanding of children.

"The Happy Introvert – A Wild and Crazy Guide for Celebrating Your True Self" was published, in 2006. She included a section on the movie, “Napoleon Dynamite,” along with chapters on relationships, children, Jung, neurology, personality, and creativity. “There is nothing like a Wagele book!” was a frequent comment heard.

Wagele’s next book, "Finding the Birthday Cake – Helping Children Raise Their Self-Esteem", the first Enneagram book for children, will be published in June of 2007.

[edit] CDs

In Wagele’s CD, "The Beethoven Enneagram", 1999, she discusses Beethoven’s personality and life and plays from his piano sonatas to demonstrate how the nine Enneagram types can be heard in his music.

In her CD, "Enneagram Variations", 2006, she improvises variations on “Jack and Jill” and “Chop Sticks,” playing them in each of the 9 Enneagram styles. Both of these CDs were first performances at International Enneagram conferences, which she later made into audiophile quality recordings.

[edit] Movie

Wagele plays one sonata movement from "The Beethoven Enneagram" in the movie, “The Theory of the Leisure Class” (2001, directed by Gabriel Bologna). This is the first movement of Piano Sonata #27 in e minor, Opus 90.

[edit] Articles

  • "Parenting Introverts and Other Types of Children" appeared on Linkup-Parents.com in 2006.
  • "The Enneagram and Children – What We Can Teach Parents and Teachers", with cartoon "TALK" Magazine, April 1998, vol. IV no.1. page 4..
  • "The New Personality Test" in "Mademoiselle Magazine", March 1995, was partially based on “The Enneagram Made Easy.” The article was put together by Serai Walker.
  • "By the Number (Talking Pictures)" by David Templeton, "The Sonoma County Independent", Feb. 23 – March 1, 1995. Post-film conversation with authors of “The Enneagram Made Easy.”

[edit] Cartoons

  • “The Mediterranean Flute Fry…” won a prize in the August 1991 "Bay Guardian" cartoon contest.
  • Besides illustrating her own books, Wagele did the cartoons for Susie Weller’s 2006 book, What Were You Thinking?
  • Wagele had a regular series of answering questions about the Enneagram on Clarence Thomson's Electric Enneagram site in the 1990's. She also drew cartoons with his gag lines, one or more for each Enneagram type. These cartoons frequently pop up on personal sites on the Internet.
  • Wagele did many cartoons for the "Berkeley Insider Magazine" in the early ‘90’s.
  • "What’s Wrong with These Pictures?" Full page cartoon in "The Enneagram Educator", spring 1997, vol. VII No. 3, pg 13.
  • "A Six in the Airport", "The Enneagram Educator", summer 1997, vol. VIII, No. 4, pg 20.
  • Five cartoons in "The Enneagram Educator", summer 1996, vol. VIII, no. 3.
  • "We’re So RIGHT Together, Lord" pg 10 and "Five Heaven", pg 13, "The Enneagram Educator", 1993, fall 1996, vol. VII no. 4.

[edit] "Enneagram Monthly"

The following reviews, cartoons, articles, etc. can be found in the "Enneagram Monthly" Archives under Author:

[edit] Reviews of Wagele's Works

  • "Elizabeth Wagele Celebrates the Life Within in “The Happy

Introvert”" by Nigel Thompson. Issue 126, May 2006, pg 4 and 5

  • "CD Review" by Ed Jacobs (“The Beethoven Enneagram”) Nov. ’99 pg.15.
  • "The Enneagram of Parenting Book Review" by Ginny Cusack, July ’97, pg. 1.
  • "The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People" by Mona Coates, PhD., The Enneagram Monthly, Sept. ’95, pg. 16.
  • "The Enneagram Made Easy" by Bob Tallon in The Enneagram Monthly. July, 1997
  • "Are You My Type, Am I Yours?" by David Walsh in The Enneagram Monthly, July, 1997

[edit] Cartoons by Wagele

  • “Two opposites can both be true.” Cartoon with article on "Essence", Feb. 07, issue 134, pg 1.
  • "What Each Type Wants on Valentine’s Day", cartoon, Jan. ’07, issue 133, pg 8
  • "Nine Kinds of Reapers", Cartoon, Oct. ’05, issue 119, pg 14.
  • "Elizabeth Wagele Celebrates the Life Within in “The Happy Introvert” by Nigel Thompson" contains several cartoons. Issue 126, May 2006, pg 4 and 5
  • "The Dial E for Murder" series mentioned below in ARTICLES contains many cartoons.
  • "Jaqueline Girdner Brings the 9 Types to Hordes of Mystery Readers", Cartoon included. May ’98, pg 5 has a cartoon.

[edit] Articles by Wagele

  • "Essence", Feb. 07, issue 134, pg 1. With cartoon: “Two opposites can both be true.”
  • "A 5 Speaks of Music, The Enneagram, and Infinity", Dec. ’04, issue 110, pg 1.
  • "Unconscious Reasons for Choosing the Wrong Type", Feb. ‘03, Issue #91, pg. 1.
  • "Dial E for Murder", written with Jaki Girdner, Part III Jan..2000. pg. 1
  • "Dial E for Murder", written with Jaki Girdner, Part II Dec.. 1999, pg 11.
  • "Dial E for Murder", written with Jaki Girdner", Part I Nov. 1999, pg. 11.
  • "Jaqueline Girdner Brings the 9 Types to Hordes of Mystery Readers", Cartoon included. May ’98, pg 5
  • "Discovering the Enneagram: My First Encounter" Dec. ’98. pg. 1

[edit] Answers by Wagele

  • Q&A, July/Aug. ’99 pg 10
  • Q&A, May ’99 pg 8
  • Q&A, March ’99 pg. 5
  • Q&A, Dec. ’98, pg. 5
  • Q&A, Nov. ’98 pg. 8
  • Q&A, Oct. ’98, pg 5
  • Q&A, July/Aug. ’98 pg. 12

[edit] Conversations including Wagele

  • The Conversation (participation in) #18, Jan. 07, issue 133, pg 5.
  • The Conversation (participation in) #13, July/Aug. ’06, issue 128, pg 11
  • The Conversation (participation in) #11. May ’06, issue 125, pg. 8
  • The Conversation (participation in) #10, Apr. ’06, issue 124, pg 14.
  • The Conversation (participation in) #8, Feb. ’06, issue 123, pg. 9
  • The Conversation (participation in) #7, Jan. ’06, issue 122, pg 1
  • The Conversation (participation in) #6, Dec. ’05, issue 121, pg. 1

[edit] Reviews

  • "Berkeley Author Puts Introverts in the Spotlight" by Natalie Orenstein, "Berkeley High Jacket", Nov. 17, 2006, pg10
  • "Elizabeth Wagele Presenting the Enneagram of Parenting" by Jan Cummins, "Point Source", June 1998, pg. 2.
  • "The Enneagram Made Easy" in the California Writers section of the "Oakland Museum Store newsletter" 1994.
  • "Numbers Game – how to master your fate with the Enneagram, the mind math that divides the world into nine people" By Chiori Santiage, Up Front section of "The Berkeley Monthly" March 1994, pg 6.
  • "Are You My Type, Am I Yours?" by Clarence Thomson in The Enneagram Educator, winter 1995, vol. VII no. 2, page18.
  • "The Enneagram Made Easy" by Clarence Thomson in The Enneagram Educator, summer 1994, vol. V no. 4, pg13.
  • "Wheel of Fortune – the Enneagram, an ancient psychology tool, is spinning its way into contemporary analysis circles" by Catherine Hedgecock, "Contra Costa Times", Jan. 1, 1995, pg 1, Times Out section.
  • "Number 9 – Enneagram grows in popularity as tool of spiritual self-discovery" by Mary Fran Fulton, Faith and Family section, "The Beacon-News", Oct. 22, 1994
  • "The Enneagram Made Easy" by Betty Bower in "Dolphin Dream Times", winter 1994, pg 9.
  • "Are You My Type, Am I Yours?" by W.E. Reinka, "The Berkeley Insider", October 1995, page 16
  • "The Enneagram Made Easy" by W.E. Reinka, "The Berkeley Insider", April 1994. pg 8

[edit] Books Citing Wagele's Books

[edit] "Enneagram Made Easy"

  • "Being Happy Being Married: A Guide to Building a Better Relationship" by Lee Schnebly Publisher only listed as “Paperback” no date listed.
  • "Big Vision, Small Business: Four Keys to Success Without Growing Big" by Jamie S. Walters, Berrett-Koehler Publishers; Revised edition (October 2002)
  • "Enneagram Dialogs on Prayer" by Rosaleen O'Sullivan. D. & F. Scott Publishing, August 1998
  • "Highly Successful Parents" by Dr. Alan Davidson. Warner Books June 1, 1996.
  • "How Good Parents Raise Great Kids: The Six Essential Habits of Highly Successful Parents" by Dr. Alan Davidson. Warner Books, June 1, 1996
  • "I Know What You're Thinking: Using the Four Codes of Reading People to Improve Your Life" (Paperback) Wiley; New edition (May 2, 2003) by Lillian Glass
  • "Living Juicy" by Sark on October13 (pg # is the date) Celestial Arts, Berkeley CA, 1994.
  • "Murder on the Astral Plane" by Jaqueline Girdner, Berkeley Prime Crime, 1999.
  • "Nasty Women" by Jay Carter. McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (May 21, 2003)

[edit] "Are You My Type"

  • "Enneagram Dialogs on Prayer" by Rosaleen O'Sullivan in Back Matter
  • "The Teen Trip: The Complete Resource Guide" by Gayle Kimball, Equality Pr; 1st ed edition (1994) on page 68.
  • "Being Happy Being Married: A Guide to Building a Better Relationship" by Lee Schnebly in Back Matter
  • "Don’t Take It Personally" by Elayne Savage, PhD, New Harbinger Press 2002

[edit] "Enneagram of Parenting"

  • "The Everyday Enneagram" by Lynette Sheppard in Back Cover, Nine Points Press (August 29, 2000)

[edit] External Links