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Elizabeth or Elisabeth is the Greek form Ελισ(σ)άβετ Elis(s)avet of the Hebrew Elisheva, meaning "my God is an oath" or perhaps "my God is abundance." Derived from Elizabeth are many short forms and nicknames that are used in English-speaking countries; these include, but are not limited to, Babeth, Babette, Bess, Bessie, Bessy, Bet, Beth, Bethanne, Bethey, Betsie, Betta, Bette, Bettina, Betty, Bizzy, Buffy, Eli, Elisa, Elise, Eliza, Ellie, Elsie, Elsinue, Elbinard, Elspeth, Ilsa, Isabel, Isabella, Isobel, Lib, Libby, Liesel, Lili, Lilli, Lilie, Lillie, Lily, Lilly, Lilibet, Lilibeth, Lillibeth, Lillibet, Lilla, Lillah, Lisa, Lisbet, Lisbeth, Liz, Liza, Lizz, Lizzette, Lidabet, Lizzie, Lizine, Lizzy, Sissi, Tess, Tetsy, and Tetty.


[edit] People

[edit] Seven saints (from whom other Elizabeths are namesakes)

[edit] Empresses

[edit] Queens regnant of England and the United Kingdom

[edit] Two Belgian princesses and (future) queens of the Belgians

[edit] Many queens of various countries

[edit] Other royal women

[edit] Music

[edit] Places

[edit] Films

[edit] Fictional Characters