Elisabeth Altmann-Gottheiner

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Elisabeth Altmann-Gottheiner (*March 26, 1874 in Berlin, Germany, — March 30, 1930 in Mannheim) was the first woman to become a university lecturer in Germany.

In 1904, she received a doctorate in Zurich, Switzerland. By 1908, she was a lecturer at the economic College in Mannheim, and by 1924 had a professorship ineconomics

She wrote a number of books and articles on economic questions. From 1912 on she edited the feminist yearbook Jahrbuch der Frauenbewegung.

The University of Mannheim grants the annual award "Elisabeth Altmann-Gottheiner-Preis" for students' theses on gender research.

[edit] Literature:

Salomon, Alice: Elisabeth Altmann-Gottheiner zum Gedächtnis (3. Jg., Nr. 9, 1. Dezember 1930) Die Österreicherin : Zeitschrift für alle Interessen der Frau hrsg. vom Bund österreichischer Frauenvereine Wien, 1928 - 1938 (Heft 2)

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