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Illustration from Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal
Illustration from Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal

Eligos (also Abigor or Eligor), in demonology, is a Great Duke of Hell, ruling sixty legions of demons. He discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars and how soldiers should meet. He also attracts the favours of lords, knights and other important persons.

He is depicted in the form of a goodly knight carrying a lance, an ensign and a sceptre (a serpent to some authors, most notably Aleister Crowley).

Alternatively he is depicted as a ghostly spectre, sometimes riding a winged horse.

[edit] See also

[edit] Media references

  • In the 2007 superhero Ghost Rider film, Abigor (portrayed by Mathew Wilkinson) was featured as a member of a group of three "fallen angels" (led by Blackheart) known as The Hidden, and he is depicted to have powers of the elemental air.
  • Was mentioned in a spell performed by Spike to restore Drusilla's health in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer entitled "What's My Line, Part Two".
  • In the game Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Eligor appears as a knight in a red suit of armor on a horse. He is a mini-boss in the Assembly of Nihilo level, and can later be recruited to your side.