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Forgotten Realms Deity
Title(s) Goddess of Singing Waters
Mother Guardian of Groves
The Green Goddess
Homeplane House of Nature
Power Level Lesser
Alignment Neutral Good
Portfolio Peace, Pools, Springs, Creeks & Rivers, Quiet places
Superior Silvanus

Eldath is the Faerûnian deity of peace in Ed Greenwood's Forgotten Realms fictional world of Abeir-Toril. Her dogma is pacifistic, requiring nonviolence of her followers. Eldath protects rivers, streams, and druids' groves, and mortal creatures are incapable of committing violence while in her presence.


[edit] As a Deity

A humble and enigmatic deity, Eldath is quiet and subtle, an extreme pacifist, who has layers of unseen depth and resolve.

Her followers often live in unspoiled areas; quiet forest communities or woodside cottages, far from the baseness of city life. They rarely ever engage in open confrontation and always act subtly and peacefully.

Eldathyn clerics pray for their spells once a day, after a time of reflection. Various Eldathyn festivals include The Firstflow, a festival which celebrates the breaking of the water at winter's end, and The Greening.

[edit] Relationships

Eldath considers Mielikki a sister and together with her she serves Silvanus loyally, even if she does find him at times intimidating. She has close relationships with Chauntea, Selûne and Lathander, as they share some common interests.

Though their portfolios are mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed, Tempus has forbidden his followers from harming Eldath's faithful, upon pain of punishment in the afterlife in his divine realm, Warrior's Rest. The punishments of Tempus always involve stripping the guilty party of the immortality normally granted to his petitioners before turning him loose upon the eternal battlefield of the plane, to be killed by their fellows, so this commandment is strictly adhered to.

[edit] Dogma

Peace is innate and cannot be taught or imposed. Seek stillness and thereby find peace. Plant trees and green-leafed things and tend such things when they need it, wherever they may be. Nurture and aid, and do not restrict or punish. Work violence only to defend, and slay no thing of the forest except to prevent it from slaying themselves or another under their protection. Swear to take no thinking life except in direst need. Share with all beings the beneficial things that grow in or come from running water that all may know of and praise Eldath.

[edit] References

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