Elazar (town)

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Elazar is a settlement and a religious Communal settlement in Gush Etzion, 18 kilometers south of Jerusalem. There are around 350 families living in the settlement.

The settlement was established in 1975 as a moshav by a core group of religious Jewish academics who had emigrated from the United States. The settlement was named for the Maccabi Elazar, brother of the Maccabean leader Judas Maccabeus who was killed at the Battle of Beth-zechariah in 162 BC adjacent to the settlement's location.

Various farming and industrial activities provide employment within the settlement, but most of the residents work in Jerusalem.

Gush Etzion Regional Council
Kibbutzim: Kfar Etzion | Migdal Oz | Rosh Tzurim
Communal settlements: Alon Shvut | Bat Ayin | Gvaot | Elazar | Har Gilo | Carmei Tzur | Kedar | Kfar Eldad | Ma'ale Amos | Metzad | Neve Daniel | Nokdim (El David) | Tekoa
Outposts: Ibei Hanachal | Ma'ale Rehav'am | Pnei Kedem
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