Elagabalus Sol Invictus

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The Emesa temple to the sun god El Gabal, with the holy stone, on the reverse of this bronze coin by Roman usurper Uranius Antoninus.
The Emesa temple to the sun god El Gabal, with the holy stone, on the reverse of this bronze coin by Roman usurper Uranius Antoninus.

Elagabalus Sol Invictus was a Roman sun god, introduced in Rome, during the Severan dynasty, by the Roman emperor Elagabalus (also called "Heliogabalus"), who was the hereditary high priest of the god, Baal ("lord") of Emesa (in ancient Syria), or El-Gabal, latinised as Elagabalus.

When Elagabalus became emperor, he brought his deity Elagabalus Sol Invictus to Rome. With his death in 222, the god reverted to being a Syrian god.

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