User:El C/OiHA

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Overseeing investigations Help Assocation! (Oi HA) is here, to serve YOU?

Oi HA is a voluntary association I just created right now. It oversees investigations on Wikipedia in a very ... and special way.


[edit] Aim

To oversee all investigations on Wikipedia, as well as groups who oversee such investigations, and groups who oversee them, too, etc. In short, reviewing —and committing— many oversights is our principal aim. We may also oversee oursleves, but obviously (obviously) in a very biased and favourable way.

[edit] Organizational structure

The association has a chairman (me!), and it has members. It also has an honourary president & founder —though no actual president— my cat, who has greatly aided me in formulating Oi HA, though he was a bit whiney about it, so his power will be limited to an awe-inspiring figurehead.

[edit] Chair

Me, El_C

[edit] Honourary president & founder


[edit] Members

None so far, save the above VIP members.

[edit] Applying for Oi HA membership

Applicants shall write about their investigatory accomplishments, skills, and exploits bellow. Note that chances for approval (by all human and non-human members, though the chair can exercize a veto) are slim to none. That's because I have a very short attention span, and extremely low tolerance for other people's views (or more accurately, other people).

[edit] Applicant [ insert name ]

Example text: I'm kind of an idiot, and by kind of, I mean, may I join your fine association? signed, someone important.

Likely response: Khaaan! Khaaan!

[edit] Investogatory Oversights Ultimatums (I.O.U)

This is the section where anyone can file requests for oversight, but the format must be formulated in the form of an ultimatum or the IOU will be summarily denied, mercilessly laughed at, and discarded in shame. For example, you find that Snowspinner is kicking way too much ass lately, is out of control, and must be stopped at all costs, this needs to be phrased as: You must look into his activities and find damning evidence, –or else– I will bring your pitiful association down. An ultimatum is bound to get my and/or the other members' attention. Of course, it also will invariably turn all of us against YOU. Which makes sense, if you ask me, and you will ask me, or else...

[edit] IOU [ Insert subject ]

Example text: Blah, blah, blah, blah-blah, or else... signed, some idiot.

Response: IOU granted/denied.

[edit] Other policy and guidelines

Sort of making it up as we go along. Apply for membership today, or submitt an IOU tommorow! It's possibly worth your while, though doubtful.