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Eitensheim is a village in the federal state of Bavaria,Germany.

Located between Eichstätt and Ingolstadt, in the wildlife park "Altmühlpark". It has a population of about 2600 inhabitants.


[edit] neighbourvillages

This towns and villages touch the township Eitensheim, they will list clockwise from Northwest:

Hitzhofen, Lippertshofen, Gaimersheim, Friedrichshofen, Buxheim and Tauberfeld.

[edit] work

The biggest employer is "Brandl", it's a locksmith's shop.

"automobile upholstery workshop" and "Pad maker" Wagner Karl-Heinz

"joinery" Beck Georg

"carpenter" Crusius

"electronic" Winklmayr

[edit] policy

municipal council

The municipal council of Eitensheim has 14 Members.

  • CSU 7 Seats
  • SPD 3 Seats
  • Free Voter community 4 Seats


The mayors of Eitensheim

  • 1876 - 1895: Willibald Dier
  • 1895 - 1905: Sebastian Trini
  • 1905 - 1924: Anton Wagner
  • 1924 - 1933: Josef Knörr
  • 1933 - 1946: Andreas Bauer
  • 1946 - 1948: Ludwig Bernecker
  • 1948 - 1966: Andreas Meyer
  • 1966 - 1978: Franz Bernecker
  • 1978 - 1990: Dr. Günter Lachnit
  • 1990 - 2002: Josef Funk (SPD)
  • 2002 - today: Michael Stampfer (CSU)

[edit] culture and sights


  • Homemuseum Eitensheim


  • Men choir


  • SV Eitensheim (7 units: football, tennis, tabletennis, volleyball, gym, ju-jutsu, skittles)

[edit] economy and infrastructure


Coordinates: 48°49′N 11°19′E