Eileen Stevens

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Senator Eileen Stevens
Image:Even Stevens episode 45.jpg
Senator Stevens and daughter, Ren
First appearance "Pilot - Swap.com"
Last appearance "Leavin' Stevens"/"The Even Stevens Movie"
Cause/Reason Series End
Gender Female
Occupation Politician; State Senator; Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives
Title Senator Stevens
Relationships Attorney Steve Stevens
Children Donald "Donnie"

Louis Anthony

Renee "Ren"
Portrayed by Donna Pescow

Eileen Stevens is a fictional character in the Disney Channel sitcom Even Stevens. She is the mother of three teenagers, Donald "Donnie" Stevens, an accomplished athleete, Renee "Ren" Stevens, an intelligent honors student, and Louis Anthony Stevens, a trouble-maker, and is also the wife of Attorney Steve Stevens. She is currently a senator for the state of California, and lives in Sacremento. She was a candidate for California Secretary of State in the primary election in the early 2000s, and a candidate for the United States House of Representatives in 2003.

Eileen is Jewish, but is married to a Christian, Steven "Steve" Stevens. Their children celebrate customs of both faiths.


[edit] Early life and political activism

In the 1970s, Eileen was an activist for feminist rights, leading protests in high school and college, leading to her involvement in politics with an unspecified party, most likely the Democratic Party. She attended Brown University, a school of the Ivy League, on a scholarship. She was actively involved in protests and politics. She dated Steve Stevens in high school, whom she had met at a roller disco and eventually married him, he being a successful attorney at Cupcheck & Cupcheck law firm. She and Steve resided in Sacramento, California, here they had grown up, and, despite being part of the hippie generation, the sunk into the yuppie trends of the 1980s. Despite appearing professional and responsible in the present day, she was quite vivacious in her youth, aside from protests, rocking the stage at concerts.

[edit] California State Senator and Secretary of State Candidacy

Eileen won a seat in the California State Senate in the 1990s. She launched a campaign to win her party's nomination for California Secretary of State against Carles L. Hackster in the early 2000s, and hired a campaign manager to shape a family image America would admire. The manager created a fake and egar-to-impress look for the Stevens, and aftrer Eileen's youngest son, thirteen-year-old Louis, was forced to wear very short shorts for the image, a wild tamper tantrum ensued that temporarily ruined her image. Her opponent appeared on the news to discuss the incidint, and pondered how Stevens could support families is she "couldn't control her own". When Louis, determined to make her prud of him, entered the school science fair, she led her press conference to the event. Louis recieved first prize, however his malfunctioning invention destroyed the fair. In the primaries, Eileen was defeated by Hackester. Regardless, she was still very important in state politics, and a figure of high respect in her community.

[edit] Campaign for U.S. Congress, victory, and vote recount

In 2002, Eileen launched a campaign for the United States House of Representatives. She campaigned extensively, and received her party's nomination, winning the primaries. As election night approached, it was presumed to be a close race. She and her family watched anxiously as the television announcer announced the results. Eileen Stevens won the election over her opponent, winning with less than 51% of the vote in one of the closest congressional races in history. Eileen and her family pack up house and prepared for the move to Washington, D.C.. However, just as Steve is quitting his job at Cupcheck & Cupcheck, telling his boss over the phone, in no uncertain terms, exactly what he thinks of him, a panicked Eileen rushes in and gathers the family around the television. It is revealed that after a vote recount and malfunctioning of voting machines due to the closeness of the race, Eileen has lost her House seat by a mere 17 votes. She is no longer a soon-to-be U.S. Congresswoman, remaining a State Senator. However, as the family unpacked to stay in California, Eileen pondered running again in 2004.

[edit] Vacation of 2003

After the terrible election, and the graduation of Donnie from high school and Ren from junior high, Eileen and her family took a vacation to the island of Mandelino, unaware of the fact that it was truly the near-by Catelona, and they were on a reality TV show. The family's mansion where they are staying is destroyed, and they are forced to survive on their own, as the entire U.S. watches. Eventually, the family discovers what truly happened, and managed to fool the man who had gotten them into the mess, and win thier dignity back. Steve had been angry during this time for not having a job after quitting Cupcheck & Cupcheck during the plans for their Washington move. Soon after leaving the island, Steve got another job, and Eileen continued her political career.