Egmont Islands

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The Egmont Islands ("Six Iles") are one of the six coral atolls that make up the Chagos Archipelago. The atoll lies less than 10 km South the coral reef of the Southern rim of the Great Chagos Bank. The nearest Island is Danger Island on the Great Chagos Bank, less than 30 km due North. The total size is about 39 km², including the lagoon and the fringing coral reef. The land area totals about 4 km². The largest island is "Île Sud-Est" (Eastern Egmont), where the settlement was located, with an area of 1.5 km². While "Île Lubine" is similar in size, the other islets are smaller.

There are two passages into the lagoon along the Northern Rim, Fausse Passe in the Northeast and a wider passage in the Northwest.

The individual islands are all on the Southern rim of the coral reef. They are, from Southeast to Northwest:

  1. Île Sud-Est
  2. Île Takamaka
  3. Île Carpate
  4. Île Lubine
  5. Île Cipaye
  6. Îlot aux Rats
  7. Île aux Rats

[edit] Reference

Coordinates: 6°40′S, 71°21′E

edit Atolls of the Chagos Archipelago (British Indian Ocean Territory) Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory
Atolls with land area: Diego García | Egmont Islands | Peros Banhos | Salomon Islands | Great Chagos Bank | Blenheim Reef | Speakers Bank
Totally submerged atolls: Colvocoresses Reef | Benares Shoals | Victory Bank | Cauvin Bank | Pitt Bank | Ganges Bank | Wight Bank | Centurion Bank | Owen Bank
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