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[edit] Steward of Gondor

Character from Tolkien's Legendarium
Name Egalmoth
Titles Steward of Gondor
Race Man
Culture Númenórean
Realm Gondor

Egalmoth is in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth the eighteenth Ruling Steward of Gondor.

Egalmoth succeeded his cousin Ecthelion I at his death in T.A. 2698. He was the grandson of Morwen, daughter of Belecthor I.

Although no details are given, the attacks by the Corsairs of Umbar increased during his reign. Gondor also began to be troubled by Orcs on a large scale. In 2710 (T.A.) Egalmoth received a plea from Deor of Rohan, whose Kingdom was swamped by Dunlendings, but Egalmoth was already troubled by the Orcs.

Egalmoth was followed by his son Beren at his death in 2743.

[edit] Elf of Gondolin

An earlier Egalmoth, who lived during the First Age, was a Noldorin Elf of Gondolin, the leader of the Folk of the Heavenly Arch. He survived the Fall of Gondolin, and fled to the Mouths of Sirion, and later died in the attack by the Sons of Fëanor.

[edit] Sources

Preceded by
Ecthelion I
Stewards of Gondor Succeeded by