EFR-Business Week

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Logo EFR-Business Week 2007
Logo EFR-Business Week 2007


[edit] EFR-Business Week

The EFR-Business Week is the biggest event organized by the EFR and held at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, as it has grown to be the largest and most renowned student conference of the Netherlands. This academic year will host the 23rd edition of the EFR-Business Week. During this conference different aspects of the central theme are treated by the means of lectures, interviews, workshops and panel discussions. Various well-known representatives from the world of business, academics and politics participate in these matters. The main strength of the EFR-Business Week is the integration of theory and practice for students. In addition, the EFR-Business Week has a distinguished international reputation, making sure that the Business Week is able to offer the best speakers and attract a very large audience each year. The EFR tries to further strengthen the reputation of the EFR-Business Week both by continuously improving the programme and launching extensive advertising campaigns, consisting of billboards, flyering, posters and gadgets on campus and across the rest of Rotterdam and the Netherlands. One of the most spectacular means of advertising is the Eclaire Special magazine, which provides a complete overview of the conference and provides an attractive invitation to the 30,000 student homes that will receive this full colour magazine.

[edit] Economic Faculty Association Rotterdam

The Economic Faculty Association Rotterdam (EFR) is, with around 3.500 members, one of the most active and professional faculty associations of the Netherlands. It is allied with the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and its aim is to bridge the gap between theory and practice by organising various activities for all economically oriented students. Its activities are organised in order to contribute to the extracurricular self-development of the students.

[edit] Erasmus University Rotterdam

The university, named after the famous Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (1469-1536), was founded in 1973 when the Economic Trade School of the Netherlands and the Medical Faculty Rotterdam merged. The total number of students at the Erasmus University has grown from 7.500 to 15.000 in the year 2005.

Each Erasmus student has a keen eye on development and diffusion of knowledge and is practically skilled. The Erasmus University of Rotterdam (EUR) has always aspired to be a stimulant for economic and social progress not only in its own region, but also in further perspective. The expertise of the Erasmus University extends from issues concerning management in the public and private sector, to health and medical care, art, sociology and psychology.

Besides owing the most all-round and active Economic Faculty of the Netherlands – providing courses in Economics, Econometrics, Managerial Computer Science and International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics – the Erasmus University provides education in Business Administration, Social Sciences, Law, Medicine & Health Sciences, Philosophy and History & Art.

In addition to these regular courses, the Erasmus University also offers a Master in Business Administration course, which is taught at the internationally acclaimed Rotterdam School of Management. The top-courses taught there meet the demand for future managers and highly qualified personnel in government, the business world and social organizations.

[edit] Theme of the 23rd edition

Both politics and business are increasingly expanding their operations worldwide. Within these trends different issues can be identified. Institutions like the European Union, the UN and the IMF are defining a playing field for national policy makers. Simultaneously nations are becoming more diversified with many cultures being represented. The question is: are nations losing their local identity and being forced to take on a global identity? And how can the balance between local and global be found? Looking at recent terrorist attacks; can these be explained as an extreme cry for identity recognition?

In the business arena international outsourcing is a key component of daily operations. Emerging markets like China and India are playing a major role in the businesses of Western organizations. Multinationals are spreading their global presence entering new attractive markets. These global movements cause the identity of multinationals to be questioned and challenged. The 23rd edition of the Business Week will cover these trends and carry the theme:


Corporate identity is essential for the success of every multinational. Organizations, operating on a global level, being subject to fast paced changes and competing on diverse markets, are more successful when they truly understand and nurture their core identity. However adjustments or drastic change of identity are often prerequisites to assure continuation. Both society and government judge multinationals by their actions and protocols. Corporate socially responsible behaviour therefore constitutes an important part of an organizations corporate identity. The perception of the public towards a certain brand, brand identity, also contributes to corporate identity. Strong brands provide organizations with a natural competitive advantage and are a bigger guarantee for success. How is identity and especially personal identity created? Is there such thing as a male and female identity? Can identity easily be changed? And how important is identity in leadership and to initiate change? How can identity help you to make a difference? During the Business Week further insight is provided into above mentioned matters in relation to the implications it has on economic life.

[edit] The EFR-Business Week Award

Every year the EFR-Business Week Award is presented to prominent global citizens who made a difference in their field of expertise. Because of this years theme ‘Identity’, we have invited the following prominent persons to receive the following Awards for the year 2007:

Mr. R. Swan (Identity Award)

Dr. J. Diouf

Prof. J. Kellenberger

Mr. T. Băsescu (the World Leader Cycle Award 2007)

Mr. F. Reinfeldt (the World Leader Cycle Award 2007)

Former EFR-Business Week Award winners In previous years the following persons have received the EFR-Business Week Award:


Mr. J.M. Barroso

Mr. B. Boutros-Ghali

Mr. J.M. Aznar

Mr. J. van der Veer

Mr. R.T. Erdoğan (the World Leader Cycle Award 2006)


Mr. J. van den Ende


Mr. M. Tabaksblat

Mr. J.-C. Trichet


Mr. S. Panitchpakdi

Mr. R. Ricupero

Mr. H. Stellios


Mr. M. Moore

Mr. J. Rogge

Mr. G. Verhofstadt

Mr. R. Prodi


The Rt. Hon. The lord George Robertson of port Ellen PC.


Mr. R. Brealy

Mr. S.C. Myers

Mr. O.H.C.R. Ruding

Mr. F.H. Fentener van Vlissingen


Mr. J. Nash, jr.

Mr. F. Goldschmeding

Mr. A. Heijn


Mr. F. Modigliani

Mr. W.F. Duisenberg


Mr. A.H. Heineken

Mr. J.P. Timmer


Mr. J. Zijlstra

Mr. G. Hofstede

[edit] External links