Efolio minnesota

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[1]eFolio Minnesota is an initiative of the [2]Minnesota State Colleges and Universities</A> that provides a statewide [3]electronic portfolio</A> infrastructure for all Minnesota residents and students.  This initial effort was launched in 2002 and as of January 2007 there were over 60,000 registered users. This unique infrastructure provides support for portfolio efforts around Minnesota. Examples can be found throughout K-12, higher education, and workforce settings.

Initial funding for eFolio Minnesota came through a Congressional Award with additional funding provided by state and local agencies along with internal resources.

In 2006, eFolio Minnesota launched a template and tool-set to allow institutions to develop and showcase their institutional portfolio.The [4]Higher Learning Commission (AQIP)has expressed interest and support for this work.

For a review of the technology supporting eFolio Minnesota see WCET's [5]EduTools.