Edwin Kantar

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Edwin (Eddie) B. Kantar (born 1932 in Minneapolis) is American bridge player, 2-time team world champion and prolific author of bridge books.

He learned the game at his 11 and started teaching it in his 17, first to his friends and later at the University of Minnesota he attended.

Along with Bermuda Bowls in 1977 and 1979, he won 13 North American Bridge Championships (3 Spingolds, 4 Reisingers, 2 Vanderbilts and 2 Grand Nationals).

Apart from over 20 bridge books written (first in 1965.), he is a regular contributor to the ACBL Bulletin, the Bridge World, and Bridge Today. In a survey of bridge writers and players, Complete Defensive Play was among the top 10 of all-time favorite bridge books.

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