Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Generating Station

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NRC Region Two
 Bellefonte (unfinished)
 Browns Ferry
 Crystal River 3
 St. Lucie
 Turkey Point
North Carolina
 Shearon Harris
South Carolina
 H.B. Robinson
 Watts Bar
 North Anna

The Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Power Plant is near Baxley, Georgia, on a 2,244 acre (9 km²) site. It has two General Electric boiling water reactors with a total capacity of 1,726 megawatts. Previously, the reactors had a combined capacity listing of 1,848. Unit 1 went online in 1974 and was followed by Unit 2 in 1978. The Hatch plant is operated by the Southern Nuclear Operating Company, a subsidiary of Southern Company. Hatch's owners are:

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