Edward Saganami C-class

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Edward Saganami-C
Name prefix {{{prefix-n}}}
Registration prefix {{{prefix-r}}}
Ship role heavy cruiser
Affiliation and star navies Star Kingdom of Manticore
In service from 1919 P.D.?
Number in service {{{Number}}}
Notable ships, captains and story appearances HMS Hexapuma under Captain Aivars Terekhov
Technical characteristics
Displacement (tons) / Mass 483,000 tons
Length (m) {{{Lenght}}}
Beam / Width (m) {{{Width}}}
Height (m) {{{Height}}}
Max Acceleration 720 gravities
Max Speed 80% Light Speed
Complement 350
Broadside arms (p/s):
Broadside lasers {{{Broadside lasers}}}
Laser size (cm) {{{Broadside laser size (cm)}}}
Broadside grasers {{{Broadside grasers}}}
Graser size (cm) {{{Broadside graser size (cm)}}}
Broadside missiles 20/20
Broadside energy torpedoes 0/0
Broadside counter-missiles {{{Broadside counter-missiles}}}
Broadside point-defense laser clusters {{{Broadside point-defense laser clusters}}}
Forward arms:
Forward lasers 3
Laser size (cm) {{{Forward laser size (cm)}}}
Forward grasers 2
Graser size (cm) {{{Forward graser size (cm)}}}
Forward missiles 0
Forward counter-missiles {{{Forward counter-missiles}}}
Forward point-defense laser clusters {{{Forward point-defense laser clusters}}}
After arms:
After lasers 3
Laser size (cm) {{{After laser size (cm)}}}
After grasers 2
Graser size (cm) {{{After graser size (cm)}}}
After missiles 0
After counter-missiles {{{After counter-missiles}}}
After point-defense laser clusters {{{After point-defense laser clusters}}}
Armanent notes -20 missile launchers per side,

eight energy mounts per broadside, two graser mounts and three laser mounts front and aft

Boat bays {{{Boat bays}}}
Bowwall Yes, two phase
Sternwall Yes

The Edward Saganami-C-class heavy cruiser is a class of space warship in the Honor Harrington series of military SF novels.

As of the resumption of hostitlites between the Star Kingdom and the Republic of Haven. The Saganami-C class is the newest and most advanced heavy cruiser fielded by the Royal Manticoran Navy. It is also the largest, weighing 483,000 tons, more than half the tonnage of the RMN's newest battlecruisers. While different enough in fact from the original Saganami and Saganami-B cruisers to be considered an entirely different class, naming it the Saganami-C allowed the RMN's BuShips to continue design work and construction of a class exemplar during the brief truce with Haven and the buildown of the RMN by the High Ridge regime. Cruisers of the Saganami-C class are named for predators.

The Saganami-C is very heavily armed for a heavy cruiser. Twenty Mark 9-c heavy missile tubes are in each broadside, all capable of firing off-bore using the Mark 16 DDM RMN missile. The total designed loadout of Mark 16 DDM attack missiles is 1,200. The off-bore capability also eliminated the need for chase-mounted launchers. In addition, taking a page from Grayson's naval doctrines, each broadside boasts eight heavy energy mounts (a mix of lasers and grasers), of a power comparable to those mounted on battlecruisers. The fore and aft chase-mount energy mounts - two grasers and three lasers each - are even heavier. In addition to standard sidewalls and multiple point-defense lasers, the Saganami-C carries a modified bow-wall generator, which can be used both as a standard bow-wall and to maintain an anti-energy cannon defense while still maintaining forward acceleration.

A vessel of this class, HMS Hexapuma under Captain Aivars Terekhov, was the primary ship whose work was described in The Shadow of Saganami. She distinguished herself in the Talbott Cluster directly following the resumption of hostilities with Haven, aiding in the suppression of terrorist movements on some of the Cluster's worlds in aid of local governments while beginning the Cluster's peaceful integration into the Star Kingdom, at their request.