Edvard Radzinsky

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Edvard Radzinsky (Russian: Эдвард Станиславович Радзинский) (b. September 29, 1936, Moscow) is a Russian writer, historian and TV personality, author of numerous plays and film scenarios. Radzinsky is also a Rurikid prince as the scion of one of the oldest houses of Russian nobility.

Since 1990s Radzinsky has been writing books in the series Mysteries of History ("Загадки истории"). He is the author of the book Stalin: The First In-Depth Biography Based on Explosive New Documents From Russia's Secret Archives, which makes several original assertions about the struggle for power in the Kremlin For example, he conjectures that there was a fuller text of Lenin's Testament, which is reflected in the posthumously published recollections of an emigré in New York. He described how and for what reason Stalin was killed by associates of Lavrentiy Beria, based on the interviews of former Stalin's body guards and other evidence. He also supported the idea of Viktor Suvorov that Stalin planned to use Nazi Germany as a proxy (the "Icebreaker") against the West and then "liberate" Europe from Nazi occupation.

[edit] Bibliography

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding or translating it.
  • Mysteries of History
    • Беседы с Сократом (Conversations with Socrates)
    • Гибель галантного века
    • Игры писателей. Неизданный Бомарше
    • Иоанн мучитель
    • Коба (монолог старого человека)
    • Лунин, или смерть Жака
    • Любовные сумасбродства Джакомо Казановы
    • На Руси от ума одно горе
    • Наполеон: Жизнь после смерти (Napoleon: life after death)
    • Нерон и Сенека (Nero and Seneca)
    • Несколько встреч с покойным господином Моцартом (Several meetings with the late Mr. Mozart)
    • Николай II: жизнь и смерть
    • О любви к математике (On the love of mathematics)
    • Последняя из дома Романовых
    • Последняя ночь последнего царя (The last night of the last tsar)
    • Прогулки с палачом
    • Распутин: жизнь и смерть
    • Тайна Иоаннова сына
    • Театр времени Нерона и Сенеки (Nero and Seneca's theater of time)
    • Александр II. Последний великий царь
    • (with Peter Kurth & Peter Christopher (photographer)) Tsar : The Lost World of Nicholas and Alexandra ISBN 0-316-55788-9 (paperback)
    • Сталин
      • Stalin : The First In-depth Biography Based on Explosive New Documents from Russia's Secret Archives (1997) ISBN 0-385-47954-9 (paperback)

[edit] External links