User:Edip Yuksel

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Edip Yuksel, a famous former sunni scholar, came to believe in the Quran Alone in the late 70s. Since then he has been striving hard against the traditional Islam and is doing his best to get it back to what he believes to be the original and pure Islam based on Quran Alone. Edip believes in a miraculous pattern in the Quran based on Prime number 19. Currently he is debating with other Quran Alone people as regards to the mathematical pattern in the Quran which remains controversial amongst many of those who claim to even follow the Quran Alone. His articles can be found at: and under the ID "Edip Yuksel"


   *  Juris Doctor, University of Arizona College of Law, May 1998
   *  M.A. program, Critical & Creative Thinking, University of Massachusetts at Boston, 1995
   *  B.A.(Cum Laude) Philosophy, University of Arizona, May 1994.
   *  B.A.(Cum Laude) Near Eastern Studies, University of Arizona, May 1994.


   *  Fluent in Turkish, English and Classic Arabic. 
   *  Proficient in Persian. 
   *  Conversant in Kurdish. 

PUBLICATIONS Books/booklets: Since 1980, authored more than a dozen books and numerous articles on religion, politics, philosophy, law, humor and poetry. The articles and columns published in Turkish journals, magazines and newspapers are not listed here. In Chronological Order (T = Turkish; E = English):

   * The Message: Quran’s Translation/Mesaj: Kuran Cevirisi (T). A Turkish translation of the Quran that heavily relies on the divine ayahs (signs) in the Quran and in the nature. The context and usage of words and expressions in the ayahs of the Quran are carefully analyzed for understanding of individual verses. Radical differences with traditional translations and commentaries are discussed in the footnotes. (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 2000, 3 editions, 600 pp.)
   * Purple Letters (T). Selected letters sent via Internet on a myriad of issues, such as, religion, politics, law, philosophy, women, human rights. (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 2000, 2 editions, 232 pp.)
   * Democracy, Oligarchy, Theocracy/Demokrasi, Oligarsi, Teokrasi (T). A response to the Turkish Attorney General’s allegation demanding the abolishment of Turkey’s biggest political party, Welfare Party (Refah) and a comparative evaluation of Turkish democracy and secularism (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 1998; 133 pp.).
   * United But Disoriented (E). Editor and author. Eight individuals, who have observed the creation and evolution of a new cult, evaluate the motivation and common patterns of hero-worship. A case study on a new cult, Submitters, promoting infallibility of Dr. Rashad Khalifah (The Monotheist International, 1997, 62 pp.).
   * On It Is Nineteen/Uzerinde Ondokuz Var (T). A comprehensive study of the mathematical structure of the Bible and the Quran, including answers to criticism raised in books and articles published in three languages (Milliyet Publishing, Istanbul, 1997, 320 pp.).
   * The Prime Argument/Asal Tartisma (E; T). A two-round argument with Prof. Carl Sagan on the mathematical structure of the Quran and its philosophical implications (The Monotheist International, Tucson, 1995, 64 pp.); Turkish translation (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 1998, 92 pp.)
   * Running Like Zebras (E). An extensive Internet debate with Abdurrahman Lomax on the mathematical structure of the Quran (The Monotheist International, Tucson, 1995, 114 pp.)
   * Unorthodox Essays (E). A booklet containing essays on Usury, Wife Battering and Abortion. Distinguished usury from interest; suggested a new translation for the verse 4:34; and argued that abortion cannot be considered a murder if it is done within 86 days of conception (The Monotheist International, Tucson, 1994, 28 pp.)
   * Errors In Translations of the Quran/Kuran Cevirilerindeki Hatalar (T). A best-seller book studying eleven Turkish translations of the Quran and exposing some common errors due to the influence of Hadith and other sectarian teachings (Gosterge, Istanbul, 1992, 164 pp.; Milliyet Publishing, Istanbul, 1998, 182 pp.)
   * Test Your Quranic Knowledge (E).  A hundred multiple-choice questions designed to educate the reader about the Quran. These questions involved general knowledge, historical information,  miraculous nature and multiple-meaning verses of the Quran (Renaissance Institute, Tucson, 1991, 36 pp.)
   * Nineteen Questions for Christian Clergy/Hristiyan Din Adamlarina Ondokuz Soru (E; T). A challenging examination of the teachings and practices of modern Christianity. Based on Biblical verses and historical facts to promote a "Copernican revolution" in the theology of religions, consisting in a paradigm shift from a Christianity-centered or Jesus-centered to a God-centered model of universe of faiths (Monotheist International, Tucson, 1993-1999,  3 editions, 100 pp); Turkish translation (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 1998).
   * Nineteen Questions for Muslim Clergy/Musluman Din Adamlarina Ondokuz Soru (E; T). A best-selling book written for the public, theologically challenging the consistency and authority of sectarian teachings of Muslim clerics (Renaissance Institute, Tucson, 1991, 66 pp.; The Monotheist Productions Int., Tucson, 1992, 80 pp.); Turkish version (Gosterge, Istanbul, 1992, 72 pp.; Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 1997-2001, 5 editions, 110 pp.). The English version is currently revised for a possible publication.
   * Censored Essays/Sakincali Yazilar (T). A rebuttal against published articles critical of my controversial book, "Interesting Questions-2." After being excommunicated and declared as an apostate, the publishing houses were too intimidated to publish any more of my work. The self-published first edition was stolen from the printing-house and the second edition was partially collected from bookstores (Devlet, Istanbul, 1989, 2 editions,100 pp.)
   * Books Are Dangerous/Kitap Okumanin Zararlari (T). A book with a dose of 20% Humor, challenging the reader to become a critical thinker and an active reader (Beyan, Istanbul, 1988, 106 pp.)
   * Interesting Questions-2/Ilginç Sorular-2 (T). The second volume that became very controversial because of its radical criticism to the traditional-sectarian Islam. Caused disappointment, excommunication, fatwa for apostacy and generated death threats (Yuzondort, Istanbul, 1987, 190 pp.; Beyan, Istanbul, 1988, 2nd-3rd editions, 190 pp; A revised version was later published by Ozan, Istanbul, 5th edition, 1999, 184 pp.)
   * Interesting Questions-1/Ilginc Sorular-1 (T). A best-seller, arguing popular topics regarding religion, philosophy and politics among the university students. Arrested, jailed and tried by the State Security Court for advocating the establishment of an Islamic government. Acquitted after spending 6 months in jail. (Inkilab, Istanbul, 1985-1987, 8 editions, 214 pp.; Beyan, Istanbul, 1988, 9th edition, 214 pp.)
   * Chemical Properties of Iron in the Quran/Kuran'da Demirin Kimyasal Esrari (T). A booklet on verse 25 of Chapter 57 of the Quran and its implications on astro-chemistry and the chemical properties of iron (Timas, Istanbul, 1984, 48 pp.)
   * Is The Bible God's Word?/Kitab-i Mukaddes Allah Sözü müdür? (T). Analysis of certain verses and critical evaluation of biblical history, versions, and translations (Inkilab, Istanbul, 1984, 2 editions, 164 pp.)
   * The 40th Commandment of Joseph/Yusuf'un 40. Emri (T). Poems written in prison as a political prisoner (Madve, Istanbul, 1984, 72 pp.)
   * Quran, the Ultimate Miracle|Kuran En Buyuk Mucize (T). A best-selling book co-authored with Ahmad Deedat, president of Islamic Propagation Center in South Africa, analyzing certain verses of the Quran related to physical sciences such as astronomy, embryology, geology and mathematics (Inkilab, Istanbul, 1983-88, 16 editions, 204 pp.).
   * The Interrogation/Sorusturma (T). A novel about police interrogation and torture of a political detainee that I secretly wrote while I was in Turkish prison. The novel was published and distributed by an underground publishing house during the military regime. Unfortunately, due to the unique circumstances of its "birth" I do not have any copy of the book nor its draft. It is lost! (XYZ, Istanbul, 1982, ??? pp.).


   * Yes, I am a Kurd (E): exposing the cultural assimilation of Kurdish ethnic minority by the racist Turkish regime and offering some solutions (7 Journal of International Law and Practice 359, 1998). 
   *   Cannibal Democracies, Theocratic Secularism (E): the Turkish Version: Responding to the charges against the Refah (Welfare) Party, Turkey’s biggest political party, and evaluating the Constitutional Court’s decision that abolished it. The article discusses the paradox of banning political parties to protect democracy.  (7 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law, 423, 1999; the topic of an interdisciplinary symposium at Newyork in March 7, 1999). 
   *   Lottery Elections (E): Disinfecting Democracies from Interest Groups:  Demonstrating the corruptive role of money in our democracy, the article calls for a radical and apparently a bizarre alternative, lottery elections for the House members. (forthcoming). 
   *   Feminism (E): the Storm and Rainbow of Social and Political Evolution: While acknowledging the existence of certain extreme elements in feminist movement, the article discusses crucial role of feminist movement in freeing women from male hegemony that eventually will create a paradigm shift regarding sex and gender. (forthcoming). 
   *   The Triarchy that Breeds Human Rights Violations: Patriarchs/Priests/Preceptors (E): Arguing that the patriarchs, priests, preceptors need to be a focus of international human rights watch groups. Changes in legislation and even in a government's treatment of citizens will not stop horizontal violation of human rights in Muslim countries where patriarchy and priests are powerful. The paper draws attention to the role of clergymen in promoting international terrorism and calls for support of the reformist movements (forthcoming). 
   *   There is No “Time” For A Frozen Brain or Trimming Mysteries by a Wittgensteinian Slab (E): The nature of “time” has bewildered many philosophers, including Wittgenstein and St. Augustine. Wittgenstein diagnoses the source of philosophical puzzlement about time in language. The paper argues that the mystery of time lays in our inability to observe time without being the subject of time.There is no absolute reality of time. Time, independent of human mind, is just succession of events or changes. In human mind, however, it is the perception of both internal and external events or changes; time is a product or just a by-product of  our brain (forthcoming). 


   * Edip Yuksel: "Trash The Tradition"/Edip Yuksel: "Cope At" (T), Hulki Cevizoglu, Turkish TV host, Ad Yayincilik, Istanbul, 1997-1998, 186 pp. 
   * Pretenders Mutual Tussle and the Quran (E), Dr. S.A. Wadud, Signature Publications, Glasgow-U.K., 1997. 
   * Answers to Edip Yuksel/Edip Yuksel'e Cevaplar (T), (Bahaeddin Saglam, Teblig Yayinevi, 1996,  86 pp. 
   * Yes, The Bible is God's Word/Evet, Kitabi Mukaddes Tanri Sozu'dur! (T), Lutfi Ekinci, John Gilchrist, Mujde Yayincilik, Istanbul, 1993
   * Mission in America: Five Islamic Sectarian Communities in North America (E), Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad & Jane Idleman Smith, University Press of Florida, 1993, 137-168 pp. 
   * Humans Too Slump/Insanlar da Kayar (T), (Emine Senlikoglu, Mektup Yayinlari, 1992,  164 pp. 
   * Ayet ve Slogan/Verse and Slogan, Rusen Cakir, Metis, Istanbul, pp. 238-247 (1990). 
   * Quran and the Mythology of Nineteen/Kuran-i Kerim ve Ondokuz Efsanesi (T), (Mahmut Toptas, Hikmet Zeyveli, Dr. Orhan Kuntman, Sadrettin Yuksel; a group of Sunni scholars; Inkilab, Istanbul, 1988-1998, 86 pp. 
   * Answers From the Quran/Kuran'dan Cevaplar (T), Sadrettin Yuksel, Madve, Istanbul, 1988, 90 pp. 


(In English, unless indicated)


         o Viruses Fallacious: The Bugs That Eat Your Brain 
         o Aristotle's Theory of Happiness and Virtue as A Mean 
         o The Psychological Reasons for Copernican Model’s Victory over Ptolemaic Model 
         o Are Scientific Findings Perfect and absolute or Less Accurate Than The Number "Pi" or Just Succeeding Mirages? 
         o Popper's Theory of Epistemology: a Perpetual Falsifiable Journey Towards Truth. 
         o “Self-Contradictory” Propositions 
         o The Kangaroo Debate: How Can Statements About God Be Meaningful? 
         o The Illusion of Free Will 
         o Seven Questions to Solve the Problem of “Evil” 
         o Are Moral Rules Futile or Helpful? 
         o Why Philosophy Does Not Prove Anything? 
         o Biology and Law 
         o Descartes vs. Berkeley On the Two Corners of the Mind-Body-God Triangle 
         o Existentialism Versus Coexistantialism 
         o The Spiritual Roots Of Space Colonies 
         o Bourdieustic Thoughts On Authorized Language and Uniform Rituals 


         o Language Worship 
         o I Miss My Mother Tongue 
         o Helpas, helpis, helpos, helpus! Alas, the Esperanto Did not Help Us 
         o Herstroy or a linguistic somersault! 
         o Religion as the medium of language propagation 
         o Gender and Language: Man cries!, while woman cries:-( 
         o HOW ARE YOU?: Function of Routine Gambits in Our Daily Conversation 
         o An Interview With the Persian Poet Hafiz by the Water of Reknabad 


         o Several Non-falsifiable Explanations For Deja vu (E; T) 
         o Psychic Reading or Psychic Reaping? 
         o The Existence of Ghosts is a Probability Bouncing Between One Out of Googoplex to Hundred Percent (Alas, According to the Falsification Theory this Statement Does not Have Any Scientific Value) (E; T) 
         o Faith Dealers 
         o The Placebo Effect is not Paranormal 
         o Precognition and Related Paranormal Phenomena 
         o If Nails Are Jealous (E; T) 
         o They are Teasing All of Us: An Argument Between a UFO Believer and a Skeptic (E; T) 
         o The Main Factors for the Centuries-long "Devilish" Crusade Against Witchcraft

International Law and Human Rights

         o Democracy and the Virusus Elitus 
         o Nuclear Reaction Does Not React To Legal Advice 
         o We Are Bound To Promote Human Rights, Since We Are The Progeny Of Self-Interested Rational Utility-Maximizing Homo Sapiens Who Have Genetically Survived In Us 
         o Marbury is Just A Dream for International Court of Justice 
         o Circumcision: A Bloody Superstition 
         o Universalists versus Universalism 
         o Are Human Rights a Western Concept? 
         o Genetic and Rational Origins of Human Rights or The Survival of The Fittest 
         o To Border or Not To Border; the Immigration Dilemma 

Gender and Law

         o Differences Should be Celebrated 
         o Categorization is Imperative, Prioritation is Speculative 
         o A Woman Pope From America or Let All the Firefighters Be Men! 
         o Children as Commodities and Mothers as Rental Wombs 
         o Domestic Violence or the Thorns of the Roses 
         o Romantic Paternalism versus Feminist Maternalism 


         o An Unconventional Skirmish on “Unintentional” Lies 
         o Historical and Theological Roots of Sunni and Shiite Factions 
         o Purple Letters/Mor Mektuplar (E; T) 
         o Blue Letters/Mavi Mektuplar (E; T) 
         o Green Letters/Yesil Mektuplar (E; T) 
         o Yellow Letters/Sari Mektuplar (E; T) 
         o Orange Letters/Turuncu Mektuplar (E; T) 
         o Red Letters/Kirmizi Mektuplar (E; T) 

Creative Writing

         o Floccinaucinihilipilification 
         o What Time is it? 
         o What? Why? Who? When? Where? & How? 
         o Successful Politicians Are Carbonic 
         o Rainbow is Beautiful, but 
         o "Now I Feel Better" 
         o The Adventure of a Secret Leader 
         o Homopfobia-phobia 
         o Mr. Enigma: "We are very creative; we create problems, then we create solutions" 
         o Bacteria of Culture Or... 
         o "Sit down before reading this letter" (Reader’s Digest) 
         o The Seventh Point or a Hypnotic Trance 


         o Is Watermelon An Animal?: An Entertaining Observation of a Father (E; T) 
         o Smile to the Child in and of You: Talking With Children About God 
         o The Trial in the Monkeyland (an inquisitive story) 

Book and Article Reviews

         o “A Just Society For ALL. But how?” on Derric Bell’s book, And We Are Not Saved (Basic Books, 1989). 
         o “Normalization of Homosexuality: By Any Means Possible!” on Professor Janet E. Halley’s article, Sexual Orientation and the Politics of Biology: A Critique of the Argument from Immutability (Stanford Law Review, v 46 n 3 503, Feb 01 1994). 
         o “Imaginative and Untrue, Particularistic and Unrepresentative, Emotional and Non-analytic Double Suspect Symbols,” on Kenji Yoshino’s article, Suspect Symbols: the Literary Argument for Hightened Scrutiny for Gays (Columbia Law Review, 96 n7, p1753-1834, Nov 1996. 
         o “Pissing in the First Amendment” on a book review by Ronald K.L. Collins and David M. Skover on James Twitchell’s book, Carnival Culture: The Trashing of Taste in America (Stanford Law Review, Vol. 45:783; Feb 1993).


   * Member of Central Committee of “Akincilar,” an Islamic political youth organization in Turkey which was affiliated with the National Salvation Party, the antecedent of Welfare and Virtue Parties; Ankara, Istanbul; 1977-1980. 
   * Student representative. As an undergraduate engineering student in the Middle East Technical University, represented 300 university students in a political youth dormitory in Ankara; 1977-1979. 
   * Editor of a monthly magazine, “Ummah” (Community) in Ankara; 1977-1979. 
   * Member of the editorial board of the monthly magazine of the Akincilar Youth Organization; Ankara; 1977-1979. 
   * Organized and participated in public demonstrations and political campaigns throughout Turkey; 1977-1980. 
   * Met with members from National Salvation Party and Vice President Najmaddin Erbakan to orchestrate a nation-wide campaign for municipality elections; Ankara; 1977. 
   * Arrested and imprisoned for the first time for one month, the election day; Konya; 1977. 
   * Speaker, educated the branch leaders of “Akincilar” how to communicate in coded language at the National Convention of Akincilar Youth Organization; Ankara; 1977, 1978. 
   * Founded a politically active underground religious youth organization called “FT/19” (Victory/19); Istanbul 1978-1980. 
   * Founding member of underground “Cihat Cephesi” (the Front of Jihad); Istanbul, 1978-1980. 
   * Established ties with the Muslim Brotherhood organization of Syria and Egypt; 1978-1980. 
   * Lost my younger brother Metin Yuksel, the legendary leader of Akincilar’s Fatih branch, to the bullets of terrorists belonging to a fascist organization called “Ulkuculer” (Gray Wolves); February 23rd, 1979. 
   * Columnist, “Tevhit” (Monotheism) and “Hijret” (Immigration), two weekly magazines promoting an  Iran-style Islamic revolution; 1979-1980. 
   * Organized approximately three hundred Turkish youth to join Afghan mujahedeen in their war against Russia. The attempt to hijack airplanes for the transportation failed due to a brief detention by police; Istanbul; 1980. 
   * Raised money and delivered to Gulbeddin Hikmetyar, the leader of Hizb-i Islami, Afghanistan. 
   * As a representative of Turkish youth, was secretly invited to Teheran and met the head of Pasdaran, Abu Sharif, and other high ranking revolutionary clerics; Teheran, Iran; July 1980. 
   * Represented Turkish youth in an international youth conference organized by WAMY (World Assembly of Muslim Youth) with participants from 42 countries; Canakkale; August, 1980. 
   * Convicted to 6 year of prison terms by the martial court for promoting Islamic Revolution in Turkey in two published articles; 1980. During the total four year prison experience learned how to survive among burglars, murderers, rival terrorists, corrupt and cruel correctional officers, rats and cockroaches; Istanbul, Canakkale; September 1980-December 1983; Istanbul, Ankara, Istanbul; December 1986-April 1987. 
   * Survived four assasksination attempts by rival terrorist political organizations promoting communist or fascist ideals; 1978 (no casualty), 1979 (friend was killed), 1979 (friend was wounded), 1980 (in prison; friend was stabbed). 
   * Series of lectures in universities and political organizations promoting the idea and ideals of Islamic revolution, 1984-1985. 
   * An unusual adventure in mandatory military service as a “dangerous foot solder,” 1985-1986. 
   * A dramatic change in religious and political position that led to excommunication, death threats and finally immigration to the USA; July 1st, 1986. 
   * Speaker, annual convention of United Submitters International, Tucson, Arizona; August 1988. 
   * Survived another assassination attempt, this time by former comrades belonging to radical Muslim organizations; Istanbul; 1989. 
   * Immigrated to the USA; April 1989. 


   * Lecturer, monthly and annual conferences of Renaissance Institute; Tucson, Arizona; 1989-1990. 
   * Panelist, “Christianity and Islam,” University of Arizona; October, 1993. 
   * “God: the Greatest Mathematician,” University of Arizona, Department of Mathematics; April, 1995. 
   * “The Cul-de-sac of Atheism,” University of Arizona, Student Union; February, 1994. 
   * “A New Argument for the Existence of God,” University of Arizona, Department of Philosophy, series of lectures in 1994. 
   * “If Jesus and Muhammad Were Here Today,” University of Arizona, Center for Near Eastern Studies; 1995. 
   * “Towards Islamic Reformation,” Switzerland, public; July 1996. 
   * “Reformation in Islam is Imperative,” Turkey, Channel 6, a national TV station; August 1996. 
   * “The Headscarf Ban and the Hypocrisy of Turkish Secularism,” Turkey, Channel 6, October 1996. 
   * “The Symbolic War Between Religious and Non-religious Zealots Promises No Victory,” Turkey, Channel 6, November 1996. 
   * “Closing the Parochial Schools and Secularism,” Turkey, Channel 6, March 1997. 
   * “Political and Intellectual Reasons for Reforming the Welfare Party,” Turkey, a seminar to a group of members of TBMM (Turkish Grand National Congress), Ankara; March 1997. 
   * “Astrology, UFOs and Paranormal Claims,” Turkey, Show TV, a national TV station; August 1997. 
   * “The Role of Muslim Clerics in Violation of Human Rights,” University of Arizona; College of Law, Amnesty International; Spring 1997. 
   * “Islam: A Misunderstood Religion,” Pima Community College, Humanities and Religion Division; Fall 1997. 
   * Lecturer, bimonthly and annual conferences of ICS (International Community of Submitters); Tucson, Arizona; 1990-1998. (Cut all affiliation with ICS when it became obvious that the organization had turned into a cult). 
   * Discussant, bimonthly interfaith scripture study group; 1997-1999. 
   * Electronically condemned;-(, replying average 20 e-mails per day from readers all around the world who are interested with the idea of reformation in Islam. 
   * Panelist, “Human Rights and Democracy in Turkey Under International Law,” My article “Cannibal Democracies...” drew the attention of a diverse group of scholars. This interest prompted Cardozo School of Law to organize a symposium on the article at New York in March 1999. The symposium was moderated by David Golove, Professor of Law, Cardozo Law School. Panelists Thomas Christiano, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Arizona and Gregory Fox, Professor of Law at Yale Law School, focused on the philosophical paradox involving the banning political parties to protect democracies; William Pfaff, International Affairs Columnist at International Herald Tribune and Paul Magnarella, Professor of Law and Anthropology at the University of Florida focused on the democratic process and human rights violations in Turkey.
   * “Kurds: Pariahs of Mesopotamia,” University of Arizona; College of Social Sciences, Amnesty International; March 1999.
   * Founder, "19.ORG," Internet, January 2000, to promote freedom of speech articulated by Article 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and reformation in Islam suggested by Code 19.
   * "Are American Prisoners Spoiled?" Pima County Superior Court, a three-hour educational class critically and comparatively evaluating the American criminal justice system, police, prison population, common characteristics of inmates and outmates, new prison industry, poverty and lack of education as the main cause of crime, disparity in legal representation between the haves and have-nots, the condition of prisons, and alternative to prisons.
   * "The Dissident," KTKT 990 Radio Station, Southern Arizona, June 5, 2000, the Bert Lee Show. A two-hour interview with hosts Bert Lee and Bob Beaudry on my personal experience in Turkish prisons and my opinion on American criminal system and democratic process.
   * "Reform in Islam" Channel 6, December 16, 2000, the Ceviz Kabugu program. The debate between me and two religious scholar was moderated by its respected host and it took approximately five hours. The live show received phone calls, faxes, e-mails from people and pre-arranged scholars and prominent figures were contacted. The debate was about The Message, my Turkish translation of the Quran, and my rejection of Hadith, Sunnah and sectarian jurisprudence as other sources of my religion. The debate took heavy tall on the Sunni scholars. The most interesting reaction came from the leader of Religious Affairs Department, a governmental organization that oversees all the mosques and the hundreds of thousands clerics. The religious leader, the day after my first show, petitioned the government agency RTUK that monitors and regulates TV channels, asking them to ban all religious discussions on private TV stations and restricting to only government's channels.
   * "Women in Islam" Channel 6, December 23, 2000, the Ceviz Kabugu program. The host of the show contacted me few days later and invited me to another show exclusively on the position of women in Islam.  The previous show had received top ratings and he was sure that the next one would be one of the most watched programs in Turkey. The second one was as successful as it was expected; I explained some of the points left from the first show and I presented the position of women from the Quran contrasting it to the of Hadith and Sunnah. Millions of viewers discovered the great discrepancy between God's religion and the sectarian teachings. I opened the show by piling the more than twenty volumes of the so-called authentic Six Hadith Books on the desk on top of the Quran. I told the audience that this tower of liturgy is just a fraction of sectarian teachings and they had covered the Quran by them. A religion derived from the Quran alone will be simple to understand by majority of people. Then, the clergymen and scholars will lose their job, since there will not be need for them to "solve" the complexities and contradiction created by numerous volumes of teachings. That is the reason they are so upset with us. The second program took about four hours and received great public interest. Other TV channels, newspapers and magazines reacted and echoed the issues. Several newspapers and magazines published positive interviews. A radical religious newspaper, however, published articles full of insults and distortion about me and the translation. A columnist attacked my translation for eight days in his columns. Nevertheless, The MESSAGE became the best-selling book since the show and new visitors have been visiting each day.
   * "Polygamy and Homosexuality in Religions and Western Law," University of Arizona, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, (the topic of a forthcoming lecture). 


  1. Adjunct Professor, Fall 1999-Present
   Teaching philosophy courses at Pima Community College.
  1. Online Teacher, Fall 1999-Present
   Developing curriculum on logical reasoning section for LSAT (Law School Admission Test) and teaching virtual classes at a pioneer online teaching company.
  1. Legal Researcher, Spring 1998-Present
     Researching and analyzing legal issues on constitutional, civil, and criminal law for various law firms. Worked as a law clerk for six months at Pima County Superior Court.
  1. Business Consultant, Spring 1997-Fall 1998
     Worked part time for a consulting company. Negotiated an international joint venture agreement between American and Turkish electric utility companies. 
  1. Domestic Violence Clinic, Spring 1998
   As a 38 (e) certified student lawyer, represented indigent clients in family and domestic violence matters before the Tucson City Court. 
  1. Political and Legal Consultant, 1996-1997
    Upon the request of several members of the Turkish National Congress, responded to the allegations of the Attorney General who brought a suit to the Constitutional Court for the permanent abolishment of Turkey's biggest party. 
  1. Judicial Internship, Fall 1996
   Clerked for Judge William H. Tinney of Superior Court, Tucson. Monitored the court sessions and drafted legal opinions. 
  1. Legal Internship, Pretrial Services, Spring 1995
   Pima County Detention Center. Interviewed detainees, checked their criminal history and wrote recommendations for judges. 
  1. Editor, Translator, Fall 1995
   Wrote and translated articles for an informative CD-Rom about Istanbul. Work was financed by the municipality of Istanbul and carried out via Internet. 
  1. Substitute Teacher, Tucson, Sep. 1994-May 1995
   Taught math, science and social sciences to high school students in Tucson school districts. 
  1. Private Tutor, Spring 1993-May 1995
   Tutored university students in philosophy, math, astronomy, Near Eastern Studies, Turkish, Arabic and Persian through the Tutoring Services of the University of Arizona. 
  1. Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona, Spring 1994
   As undergraduate honor student, assisted teaching of introductory level “Near Eastern History” course to 80 students, lectured, graded essays, and held weekly office hours. 
  1. Research Assistant, University of Arizona, Department of Geology, Spring 1991.
   Assisted in a geological research using GPS Global Positioning System, to determine the size of Tucson's ground sinking. Yes, it is sinking; inch by inch! 
  1. Telemarketer, Tucson Paging Company, Summer 1990
   Marketed paging services with a broken English and spicy accent. Surprisingly, performed as good as the next native-speaking telemarketer! 
  1. Copywriter, Research and Promotion Center, Istanbul, July 1988-April 1989
   The loss of popularity as an author led to advertising where there is no room for religio-politico hormones. A word may start a revolution while another may sell potato chips. Savored the quick gratification of creative writing. Meanwhile, juggled in an ethical ordeal created by the dilemma of telling the truth or selling the product. A new chapter opened by the threshold of the thirtieth birthday when finally immigrated to the United States of America. 


(Awards and grants received before immigration to USA are not listed).

    •• Best selling author in Turkey; ‘83-’87; ‘97-’01 
    •• Appreciation Award, Domestic Violence Law Clinic; 1998. 
    •• Dean's List (6 semesters) at the University of Arizona; 1992 - 1997. 
    •• Regents Grants; 1992-1994 
    •• State Student Incentive Grants; 1992-1998 
    •• Cum Laude in Philosophy: University of Arizona; 1994 
    •• Cum Laude in Near Eastern Studies: University of Arizona; 1994 
    •• Outstanding Scholastic Achievement and Excellence, Golden Key National Honor Society 
    •• Outstanding New-Traditional Student Award, University of Arizona, 1994 
    •• Best Composition award: published in the English Composition text book at the University of Arizona, 1992. 


Married with two children, Yahya and Matine.