Edgewater River

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The Edgewater River is a fictional river from Paul Stewart's The Edge Chronicles

The Edgewater River water begins out in open sky, in the heart of the Mother storm. Every few millenia, the storm travels over the edge to deposit the water at the mythical spring of Riverrise. From Riverrise, the river splits into many tributaries that supply water to the Deepwoods. These meet up again at the eastern edge of the Deepwoods, and then continue underground, beneath the Twillight Woods and the muddy wasteland called The Mire, before surfacing at the western edge of Undertown. In the sprawling city, sewage and grime oozes into the river, contaminating it until it is barely drinkable. It continues west, through The Stone Gardens, until it forms a great waterfall at the end of the world. It is a bottomless drop, and the water falls forever over the lip of the Edge.