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In geometry, a form is isotoxal or edge-transitive if its symmetries act transitively on its edges. Informally, this means that there is only one type of edge to the object: given two edges, there is a translation, rotation and/or reflection that will move one edge to the other, while leaving the region occupied by the object unchanged. An isotoxal polyhedron has the same dihedral angle for all edges.

Not every polyhedron or tessellation constructed from regular polygons is isotoxal. For instance, the truncated icosahedron (the familiar soccerball) has two types of edges: hexagon-hexagon and hexagon-pentagon, and it is not possible for a symmetry of the solid to move a hexagon-hexagon edge onto a hexagon-pentagon edge. However, regular polyhedra are isohedral (face-transitive), isogonal (vertex-transitive) and isotoxal. Quasiregular polyhedra are isogonal and isotoxal, but not isohedral.

There are nine convex isotoxal polyhedra:

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Peter R. Cromwell, Polyhedra, Cambridge University Press 1997, ISBN 9-521-55432-2, p.371 Transitivity

[edit] External links

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