User talk:Ectoplasmic Goo

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Liutenant Ankh paced the barracks floor when he heard what sounded like thunder. It was artillery! Since he was here all he heard were screams and the thunder. A man on a stretcher was being carried in from the field. He was missing his left leg. The floor was shaking from the artillery. This was nothing like what he had expected Vietnam to be like, yet in a way it was just what he excpected. Two hours later he had river patrol. He heard a scream, then a splash, then the water looked a child's finger paint. It was thick and red. "Get him outta the water!" he screamed to his platoon! The man that was pulled from the water name tag read Banks. "What's your rank?" he asked the soldier. "Private", answered Banks. "Where's your platoon?" asked Lt. Ankh. "Dead", responded Banks. "Welcome to Alpha Company," said the Lt. welcomely. A medic came over and tended to Banks' leg. Suddenly the platoon heard a wiz and then a loud explosion. An RPG had hit the boat! The platoon hurtled into the water and wiz after wiz came from the Viet Cong's AK-47s which lead to the water becoming more red until you could almost literally call it the Red Sea. When the remainder of the platoon reached the shore Lt. Ankh reached for his M-16, pointed, and pulled the trigger. Click. That was all that came from the jammed rifle. He reached for his pistol. He blind-fired off into the distance. When the enemy fire cooled down, the platoon regrouped. "How many dead?" asked the Lt.. " 4 , Sir!" was the reply. This was gonna be a long day. The "platoon" consisted now of 14 people. The forest was hot and muggy but what really got to them was the humidity and mosquitos.Empty canteens led to dehydration which lead to passing out and arguments. "Shut up!" screamed the Lt. finally and silence overfell the jungle. Night crept up upon the lost platoon and requests to set up camp were all to common. Suddenly noises were heard in the jungle. "Requesting illumination", said the Com Op through his radio. The flare lit up the night sky like fireworks on the 4th of July. That's not all it did. The chatter of M-16s echoed through the night as the supposedly stealthy Viet Congs fell to the ground. The flare's effects began to wear off and silence once again filled the jungle. The morning came without notice as the platoon closed in at about 50 miles from the nearest base. The only things thought were how stupid they were to sign up for the Army and why they ever went on that river patrol and now that they were in this jungle they couldn't be picked up by a helicopter. The Lt. was fairly mad that he was 1st class and that this platoon was a bunch newbies. They had no run-ins with the enemy for the rest of that day but the 3rd day was much different. The morning was peaceful but the noon was when it happened. Pvt. Banks, and 3 other men, were ordered to inspect a clearing in the distance to see if a helicopter could land there. Then it began. Chatter after chatter from near-by Aks filled the jungle as the men in the clearing fled for their lives. One man fell to the ground and Banks turned to look. A ribbon of red drizzled from the man's forehead. "C'mon!" screamed the other man as he ran back into the jungle. Banks heard another chatter and the man in front dropped. Now he ran faster, and faster as bullets whizzed by his ears. Then the sound of a plane overhead and the bangs from napalm bombs hitting the forest. The clearing was engulfed with flame, Banks still running but the fire gaining. Then he looked down and saw a root, but by then it was to late. His body engulfed in the napalm fires. Then the real onslaught began. There must've been atleast 50 of them. Coming from all sides. Then the Lt. looked around watching his comrades falling to the ground. He reached for his M-16 hoping it was unjammmed. He pulled the trigger. Bang!. It worked! he shot everywhere. Suddenly the shots ceased. He looked around. Dead people everywhere, friendly and enemy. "How many left?" he said anxoiusly while he moved his gun up and down, left and right. "6, Sir," was the reply. "The Com Op?" asked the Lt. "Right here, Sir!" said the Com Op. The Lt. told the Com Op to radio a helicopter to come to the clearing and pick them up. The reply from the pilot was it was going to be a 15 hour long wait. "Dang," thought the Lt.. He ordered the remaining 6 men to set up a guard position at the edge of the clearing. It was 7:00 PM. They would have to wait another 10 hours until the heli pick-up. The evening turned to night which turned to darkness. 7 more hours. Noises again in the bushes. The Lt. pointed then shot and he heard something fall. He went to check. It was just a buck. The platoon heard thunder over the mountains, but it was not artillery, it was just rain. 5 more hours. The Com Op said they would have to wait 2 hours longer than usual due to bad weather conditions. The Lt. asked him his name and rank and he responded Corporal Rogers. The Cp. told him how he was trained with machine gun training but had an immediate swich when he got to Nam because they were short on Com Ops. Then the Lt. asked what class he was and he said he was 3rd class. The Lt. was happy he wasn't stuck with a bunch of babies. Whiz. Then a bang. Loud thing, them RPGs. The platoon was distracted by it but then recooperated. Another whiz and another explosion. Luckily the heli arrived early and got the platoon in. But the RPGs kept coming. Something hit the side of the heli and the pilot screamed "What the heck was that?!". the heli hurtled through the air and crashed into a tree where VC surrounded the crash site. The 12 people inside the heli aimed there guns down into the darkness of the jungle. A chatter and man fell from the heli and hit the ground with a loud sound that echoed through the night. Another one but it just missed Roger's head. The Lt. tossed a grenade down and the VC scattered but then returned. After all the grenades in the heli were thrown the platoon began to worry. What were the VC waitng for? The branch which held the heli began to creak as the heli rocked forward. An RPG hit the tree next to them. Then a chatter and a bulllet breached the hull hitting the Co-Pilot in the bottom of his neck. Then another RPG which threw a man off the heli. He was alive, but not for long. The platoon heard the chatters then bowed their head and muttered to themselves. They weren't going to get out of here alive.Sargeant Michaels drove the jeep in and out of the barracks picking up the supplies for the base. He'd been at it for at least 5 hours. Suddenly the gas gauge went to the empty sign. He went to get some more when his radio went crazy. It was a distress call from Lt. Ankh and his platoon! Immediatley the info was spread and Sgt. Michaels and his 2nd class squad were in a heli heading for Lt. Ankh. The Co-Pilot's body was tossed out of the heli to make room to reach the controls. The Lt. and co. had been there for 7 hours now. Instead of 12 people in the heli they now had 9. Noone had died since the Co-Pilot. Suddenly the sound of a heli near-by cheered up the stranded soldiers. Sgt. Michaels had the pilot fire a missle into the darkness where the VC were. Then the heli hovered next to the tree branch and took the nine people out. 15 people in the heli was not an easy load. Whence they reached the base the men were all checked for injuries. For the remainder of the night and until 11 o'clock in the morning the 15 men slept without any disturbances. The day grew longer and more boring compared to all the excitement yesterday. Sgt. Michaels' 6 men joined with Lt. Ankh's 6 to remake Alpha Company. This akward boredom was also somewhat relaxing for all they did was play chess, eat, and sleep. The next day the orders came to Lt. Ankh that his platoon was to inspect suspicious activivty in a near-by village. They went by heli and landed in a clearing just outside the village. Some men ran in and took posts while the Sgt. and Lt. entered with the rest. "Okay, you 6 go that way, you 6 the other way," issued the Lt.. They walked silently through the village as the sound of chirping birds droned away in their ears. Step Step Step. Suddenly, a soldier tripped and someone screamed to him to stay still. It was a mine field! The Lt. ran over and put a rock on the wire and pulled the man up. "Everyone watch your step!" ordererd the Sgt. anxiously. Another man tripped but tis time it was too late. Chunks of the man's chest flew through the air and landed with a splat. The man's chest was split open and a chunk of metal was lodged in his stomache. Another man tripped but instead of a mine a dart flew out and hit the man behind him in the neck. Then a grenade was flung into the city and the platoon was forced to test their luck by running through the mine field. Another trip equaled another dart. A plane was heard over head. It was an American napalm raid! The platoon ran faster and faster as the napalm strike began. The Lt. had already lost a good man to a napalm strike. The huts turned to bon fires as the village burnt to a crisp. Then the chattering of near-by Aks did'nt help the situation. A heli was in the clearing waiting for them as the reamining memebers leaped onto them. The helis took off fleeing the burning jungle. When they reached the base the question was why a napalm strike when a platoon was already sent?

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