Echinodorus bleheri

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Echinodorus bleheri
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plant
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Alismatales
Family: Alismataceae
Genus: Echinodorus
Species: E. bleheri
Binomial name
Echinodorus bleheri
Rataj in Preslia, 42:265, 1970

In Rataj's taxonomy E. bleheri is in Section Intermedi, Subgenus Echinodorus from the Echinodorus site (see link below): "This plant is used in tanks for a long time, but it was first sold under Echinodorus paniculatus as a result of a wrong determination. Nevertheless this name will be used as commercial name even nowadays. In 1970 Rataj recognized the false determination and described it as Echinodorus bleheri. Haynes and Holm-Nielsen criticised him, because he had only used cultivated material, gotten from commercial importers. In her revision in 1994, Haynes and Holm-Nielsen didn’t accept E. bleheri as an own species because Rataj used as herbarium material unfertile taxons without flowers. They classified it to Echinodorus grisebachii. To this species should belong even E. amazonicus and E. parviflorus. I believe, and I’m not alone in my opinion, that there are enough differencies between these taxons to recognice varieties. "

Note : I have followed Rataj's description and nomenclature.


[edit] Synonyms

E. paniculatus Auct. not Micheki, 1881; E. rangeri Hort.; E. platyphylla Hort.; E. tocatins; E. toguina

[edit] Description

Submersed leaves 40 - 60 cm long, petioles flatly triangular. Blades lanceolate or narrowly oval. on both ends acuminate, with 5 veins, pseudopenninerved, 20 - 30 cm long and 5 - 7 cm wide, trimmed with distinct pellucid lines. Margins of emersed blades curled, submerse plants undulate.

Aquatic. Stems deflexed, proliferous, 30 - 70 cm long. Inflorescence branching in the lower whorl. Rataj states flowers & achenes unknown. This taxon could be triploid.

[edit] Distribution

Probably Brazil (Amazon Basin ?) It was first imported about 30 years ago, probably from Brazil. It is now grown widely in wholesale plant nurseries.

[edit] Cultivation

Grows well but needs a large aquarium and a deep, rich substrate to grow to its best. The leaves grow in an eossette fashion. They can be trouvbled by algal growth. New leaves can be tinged reddish on both sides in good light.

Propagated by division or adventitious plantlets.

[edit] External links

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