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// <pre>
/* ======================================================================== *\
	Reply links with backtrack links
	+ adding reply links near user links
	+ inserting text given in newsectionname param (as PHP param in the location string of the page)
	version:		1.0.2
	copyright:		(C) 2006-2007 Maciej Jaros (pl:User:Nux, en:User:EcceNux)
	licence:		GNU General Public License v2,
\* ======================================================================== */

// Settings
var hrefUserAnonim = wgServer + '/wiki/Special:Contributions/';
var hrefUserSpaced = wgServer + '/wiki/User:';
var hrefUserSpacedNew =  wgServer + '/w/index.php\\?title=User:';
var hrefUserTalkSpaced = wgServer + '/wiki/User_talk:';
var textReplyShort = 'Re:';
var textNoHeadShort = 'Ad:';
var textReplyLinkName = 'reply';

/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: autoNewSectionName
	Inserting new section and backword link
	from the location string param.
		newsectionname - passed through the location string of the page
\* ===================================================== */
function autoNewSectionName()
	// Get input element for section name (now understood as the textbox)
	var elInput = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
	if (elInput)
		// Get data send from previous page
		var reParam = new RegExp ("&newsectionname=([^&]*)", "i");	// ignoring lettercase
		var matches = reParam.exec(;
		var sectxt;
		// append to input if all OK
		if (matches)
			sectxt = decodeURIComponent(matches[1]);
			elInput.value += ';'+sectxt+'\n\n';
		// Add some summary
		elInput = document.getElementById('wpSummary');
		if (elInput)
			matches = /[ ](.*)\]/.exec(sectxt);
			// append to input if all OK
			if (matches)
				elInput.value += decodeURIComponent(matches[1])

/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: addReplyLinks
	Adding reply links near user links.
	* nie działa dla IE (błędy kodowania UTF-8)
\* ===================================================== */
function addReplyLinks()
	// When to run this...
	// if (!document.getElementById('t-permalink') && !document.getElementById('t-ispermalink') )	// almost always
	if (wgCurRevisionId==0)	// no versioning available

	var i;

	// Get viewed page version link (may be something in history)
	// this one means it is a perma link (comparing versions, showing one specfic version and such)
	if (document.getElementById('t-ispermalink'))
		var hrefPermalink = document.location.href;
	// get latest
		var hrefPermalink = '{{fullurl:' + wgPageName + '|oldid=' + wgCurRevisionId + '}}';
	// Get some places to put this into and puting this
	var reHref = new RegExp (hrefUserSpaced + "([^/]*)$", "i");	// with ignore case
	var reHrefNew = new RegExp (hrefUserSpacedNew + "([^/?&]*)", "i");	// with ignore case
	var reHrefAnonim = new RegExp (hrefUserAnonim + "([\.0-9]*)$");
	// getting first header name for default tags
	var secAbove = new Object; = 'bodyContent';
	secAbove.text = parseSectionText(document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('H1')[0].innerHTML);
	var secReplyText = textNoHeadShort;
	// get every link with href="" (no slashes in dots)
	var a = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('A');
	for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
//		if (secAbove)
//		{
			// checking if this is a user link
			if (a[i].href != '' && a[i].getAttribute('href').indexOf('#')==-1)
				if (a[i].className=='new')
					var matches = reHrefNew.exec(a[i].href);
					var matches = reHref.exec(a[i].href);
				if (!matches)
					matches = reHrefAnonim.exec(a[i].href);

				if (matches)
					// creating reply href
					// var userName = matches[1];
					var hrefReply = hrefUserTalkSpaced + matches[1] + '?action=edit&section=new';
					// and now to create and add data for the new reply section name
					var newSectionName = '['+hrefPermalink+'#'' '+secReplyText+secAbove.text+']';
					hrefReply += '&newsectionname=' + encodeURIComponent(newSectionName);
					var newEl = document.createElement('small');
					var newA = document.createElement('A');
					newA.setAttribute('href', hrefReply);
					newA.setAttribute('title', textReplyShort+secAbove.text);
					i++;	// a is a dynamic list
//		}
		// obtaining anchor and text of the section above user links
		if (a[i].name != '' && wgCanonicalNamespace!="Image") // skip obtaining headers in image pages
			// going to header element text
			var header;
			if (a[i].parentNode.nextSibling.nodeType == document.TEXT_NODE)
				// FF
				header = a[i].parentNode.nextSibling.nextSibling
				// IE
				header = a[i].parentNode.nextSibling
			// check if this is the right element - if not skip
			if (header) if (header.nodeType == document.ELEMENT_NODE)
			{ = a[i].name;
				// sometimes there could be a link in the header (maybe some more)
				secAbove.text = parseSectionText(header.innerHTML);
				// should be set only once (as it is always the same), but let's leave it that way
				secReplyText = textReplyShort;

/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: insertAfterGivenElement
	Inserting "newEl" element after given "el" element.
		el - element object to insert after
		newEl - (new) element object to insert
\* ===================================================== */
function insertAfterGivenElement(el, newEl) {
	if (el.nextSibling)
		el.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, el.nextSibling);

/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: [obsolete] stripHtmlTags
	Stripping HTML tags from the HTML text.
	Returns stripped text.
		html - the html text
\* ===================================================== */
function stripHtmlTags(html){
	return html.replace(/<\S[^<>]*>/g, ''); // with global match (all will be replaced)

/* ===================================================== *\
	Function: parseSectionText
	Stripping HTML tags from the HTML text and cleansing 
	of some wikicode
	Returns stripped text.
		html - the html text
\* ===================================================== */
function parseSectionText(html){
	// with global match (all will be replaced)
	html = html.replace(/<\S[^<>]*>/g, '');
	// replace cut anything in brackets [] (editing sections links and such)
	html = html.replace(/\[[^\]]*\]/,'');
	// replace wiki stuff with null
	html = html.replace(/[\{\}]/g,'');
	// trim (right,left)
	html = html.replace(/[ \t]*$/,'').replace(/^[ \t]*/,'');
	return html

// </pre>