User:Easter Monkey

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Hello. Easter Monkey you may wonder? Well, the Cartoon Network in Asia had advertisements during the Chinese New Year that began January 22, 2004. It was the year of the monkey, so the folks at cartoon network put some rabbit ears on a monkey and called him the easter monkey. My 3 year old latched on to that and it's been a family joke since...

Meh, mostly I've been into just randomness lately. Although, I do like to copyedit, mostly because spelling and grammar errors get on my nerves. Also, I've been doing a lot of translations from German.

  • Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put. -Winston Churchill

Current number of articles: 1,713,597

This page has been vandalized: thrice.


[edit] Ref

Sandbox, de requests, de bio requests, de unsorted, Congressional Medal of Honor

[edit] Started

Non-translated stuff
Template:Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions (film), Mother Night (film), Koh Tang, Fort Ethan Allen, Canary in a Cathouse, Slapstick of Another Kind (film), Palm Sunday (book), Rosenshontz, Roy Benavidez, Next Door, Displaced Person (TV)

[edit] Rewritten

Mother Night

[edit] Translations

[edit] To do

de:Uwe Hohn → Uwe Hohn, de:Melanie Paschke → Melanie Paschke, de:Beate Anders → Beate Anders, de:Dieter LindnerDieter Lindner

[edit] Done

Christian Friedrich von Kahlbutz, Sophie Scholl – Die letzten Tage, Eduard Bendemann, Sabine Braun, Alina Astafei, Kurt Scharf, Silke Möller, Werner Günthör, Tim Lobinger, Jürgen Schult, Götz Briefs, Götz (disambiguation), Shmuel Eisenstadt, Franz Leopold Sonnenschein, Karl Wittgenstein, Ludwig Anzengruber, Siegfried Wentz, Werner Schildhauer, Hansjörg Kunze, Detlef Michel, Boris Henry, Claudia Losch, Petra Felke, Ines Müller, Kirsten Emmelmann, Christine Wachtel, Cornelia Oschkenat, Martina Hellmann, Kathrin Neimke, Tamara Press, Tamara Bykova, Diana Gansky, Gabriele Reinsch, Helga Radtke, Torsten Voss, Menachem Birnbaum, Alexandre Calame, Udo Beyer, Ronald Weigel, Stephan Freigang, Daniel Bautista, Battle for Caen—didn't start it, but it was the longest by far, Karen Forkel, Lutz Dombrowski

[edit] Translated things that keep me up at night

From Shmuel Eisenstadt:

"Eisenstadt's research contributed considerably to the understanding that the modern trend of a eurocentric interpretation of the cultural program developed in the west is a natural development model seen in all societies [...] the European model is only one: it was merely the earliest. It started the trend. But social reactions, whether in the USA, Canada, Japan or in Southeast Asia took place with completely different cultural reagents."

Eisenstadts Forschungen haben maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, das Verständnis der Moderne aus jener eurozentrischen Deutung heraus zu lösen, die das im Westen entwickelte kulturelle Programm als natürliches Entwicklungsmodell aller Gesellschaften sah. [...] Das europäische Modell ist nur eines: das zeitlich früheste. Es vermittelt den Impuls. Aber die gesellschaftlichen Reaktionen - sei es in den USA, Kanada, Japan oder im südostasiatischen Raum - erfolgten mit ganz unterschiedlichen kulturellen Reagenzien

[edit] Words to live by

  • People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. -George Orwell
  • Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin
  • The U.S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself. -Benjamin Franklin
  • Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. -Benjamin Franklin
  • Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. -Mark Twain
  • Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
  • Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

[edit] Countries

The first condition of understanding a foreign country is to smell it. -Rudyard Kipling

Flag of Canada Canada
Flag of Germany Germany
Flag of France France
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland
Flag of Italy Italy
Flag of Vatican City Vatican City
Flag of Greece Greece
Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland
Flag of Kuwait Kuwait
Flag of South Korea South Korea
Flag of Thailand Thailand
Flag of Cambodia Cambodia — extra funky
Flag of Japan Japan
Flag of Singapore Singapore
Flag of Tunisia Tunisia